View Full Version : Blue nails during panic?!

15-04-14, 02:08
Often when I have a panic attack, my nails go blue (cyanosis). I thought this was an effect of hyperventilation and panic and I thought a doc had said that too, but when I looked it up just now I discovered that it can actually be a way to differentiate between hyperventilation and low oxygen :unsure:. But I have a pulse oximeter and (touch wood) it's normal during attacks.

So does anyone else get the blue nails?

15-04-14, 03:24
Hello, blue nails drive me crazy as well!

I don't really notice it during anxious times, but all winter I've noticed my toe nails looking blue but it would go back to normal after a shower. Now that it getting warmer I haven't noticed it as much. It may just be related to the weather. I wouldn't be too worried about it. :) take care x

15-04-14, 08:17
When I get cold my nails look blue. Obsessed about it for months, thought it was due to a number of things (which I wont list. Just incase I panic you even more)

Anyway it was none of those things its just something that happens :)

Catherine S
15-04-14, 15:11
When we are in the middle of a panic we are in 'flight or fight' mode, and our body reacts the way it should...shallow breathing, fast heartbeat, dry mouth, a feeling of wanting to go to the loo etc. Your system will want to send more blood to the vital organs, as they will help you to run or to fight, and that would include reducing blood from the parts that don't really need it. That's also why people go white in the face when in a state of fear. It could be this that explains why your fingernails lose their pink colour during a panic attack, then return to normal when its over.

My daughter has Raynaud's syndrome where her fingers and toes are often blue tinged, particularly in the winter but it can happen anytime. She knows her triggers for this condition and panic or anxiety are not part of it in any way. Hope this helps.


15-04-14, 15:43
ISB is right, the body focuses on giving blood, oxygen and energy to the heart, lungs, muscles and senses and thus redirects from the extremities, like fingers and toes. This is why your fingernails look blue :)