View Full Version : be warned...poo thread

15-04-14, 11:37
Hi all
I dont really post a lot on here, now and again, and my anxiety I feel has been improving recently.
Anyhow, for quite a while, id say months and even years, my tummy has been doing funny things. I remember years ago if I ate mcdonalds or a chinese, within twenty minutes id run off to the loo and evacuate!! Flying out of me.
It came and went, came and went. Some days my poo would be great, some days loose, some days water. Never blood but occasionally yellow. Tmi!
So for the past few months, probably since my husbands death the same thing has been hapoening. One day its fine. Next its just water again. Ive no pain. No discomfort. Occasionally I would get a mad cramp before an evacuation but these are very rare.
Im thinking IBS, im thinking a food intolerance, im thinking wine and alcohol. Im not losing any weight given im crapping so much.
Im thinking if it was really serious id have pain, blood, mucus, weigt loss....and I have none of these. Any ideas??

15-04-14, 13:50
Probably food intolerance, tried keeping a food diary? A strict one?