View Full Version : Any lymph node experts?

15-04-14, 16:36
This is my first post and im very nervous even posting!
About 8 months ago I was lying in the garden and noticed a lump under my arm/breast. Went to the doctor who sent me to a breast specialist who carried out an ultrasound and confirmed it was an enlarged lymph node of normal structure. It still hasn't gone away but was monitored for 3 months and I was told it was getting ever so slightly smaller.

Skip to December. I had tonsillitis and the glands on my right side came up. first one and then like tiny bubbles they appeared. They have never gone down but are soft and moveable. I saw the doctor again. he told me they are fine, ran bloods and sent me off. 4 months later.....today left side of my neck I can feel the appearance of another one :mad: Now I do have other symptoms but have also an overactive thyroid and therefore cannot pin point the weight loss. reduced my thyroid meds to deal with that!
I am also crazy where since December I probably check them daily!
would just love to hear of other experiences and to see whether I am alone!
by the way im 29 with 2 babies :)
B x

15-04-14, 16:42
Hi B,

It would seem like lymph nodes/glands being swollen and/or enlarged is a common worry amongst people who worry about their health a lot.

I would say if you have concerns then go to the doctor again - it's what they're there for - but talk to them when you are there about the fact that you are checking your glands excessively. It sounds to me like you might have Health Anxiety, which is a type of anxiety where you worry a lot that something is wrong with you even when you are fine, and over-analyse very common or unimportant 'symptoms'. they may be able to arrange some counselling for you but any which way they will help to alleviate your fears.

Good luck with it all and congratulations on your babies - I am 27 and have my first on the way! :D

Danny xxx

15-04-14, 16:49
Thanks Danny for your reply.

Im pretty sure I have HA. since having my babies its made me much more panicky about health in general. Since having the nodes its been out of control actually. Have made an appointment for tomorrow so hopefully I can get some closure on the matter!

Congratulations on the pregnancy. Such an amazing time!!!


15-04-14, 17:02
Aw that's awesome, your doc will certainly help you!

Good luck with at all,

Danny xxx

15-04-14, 17:31
I would still like to know if anyone else has had a similar experience? x

16-04-14, 05:04
I am no expert, but I have had an obsession about lymph nodes on and off for a few years. I've been to countless doctors and specialists about them and had lots of ultrasounds, as well as a couple of ct scans. The last time my anxiety was at its worst about lymph nodes I got referred to an endocrinologist who is also general surgeon, as I told the gp I wanted some lymph nodes in groin scanned and potentially removed. I used to (and sometimes still do) check my glands all the time. There's about 4 in my neck and collarbone area which are rubbery but small and moveable, which have now been there for years. When you read online, it says collarbone ones are always abnormal. However after all my tests they are definitely normal for me. Ones in my groin are quite large, about and inch, but again it turns out that's normal for me. Sometimes they come up during infection or inflammation and can then stay larger and can go rubbery feel. It's good you're getting them checked for reassurance, the doctor will be able to tell if they're worth looking at further. The fact you've already had bloods done and fine is also reassuring.

16-04-14, 07:47
Thanks for your reply! The internet is a scary place to look things up! I've read a lot the bloods don't diagnose but I'm trying to tell myself that an abnormality would show up especially as the first node is 8 months old! Good to know I'm not the only one who panics about nodes! Xx

16-04-14, 08:34
Hi Triple Worry,

I'd venture to say lymph node worries are in the top 5 of health worries on the boards. Do a search at the top of the page and you'll see. Due to having most of mine removed surgically due to another top five fear I do know a bit about them.

Think of them as the sewer system of your body. They help collect and rid the crap our bodies produce and we produce a lot of crap ;) Poking and prodding them only irritates them but being able to avoid that is another issue as you know.

At any given time, one can find a node if they press hard enough. In the vast majority of cases it's just nodes being nodes and doing their job and not to be of concern. When accompanied by a fever, or when a node grows in size, a doctor's visit is prudent as an infection may be present.

Positive thoughts

16-04-14, 09:00
I am absolutely obsessed with Lymph nodes.

I started getting neck pain in May last year and the doctor found that my nodes in my neck were swollen (lots of small ones and all movable)

I insisted on blood tests, xray, ct scan, mri scan etc. Everything came back normal.

I still have the neck pain so I am left to believe the glands have nothing to do with it. I only wish I knew the size of my glands before all of this so then I could compare.

They have not grown in the last 11 months so must count for something.

However they do now make me think that they're enlarged because of an underlying cancer. I thought it was skin cancer to begin with because of a suspicious mark on my leg. Now however im worried its stomach cancer that has spread because ive had abdominal pain for 3 years that has recently got worst.

16-04-14, 13:23
Hi Fishmanpa thanks for your input.
I went to an ENT today and he said they all feel like they should. He ssaid that if you can feel your nodes that mine were how they would want them to feel. I.E. pea and rollable etc. He said to put my mind at rest I can go for an ultrasound which they booked in for tomorrow. So fingers crossed they are all reactive nodes :scared15:
Hi Darren,
From what the ENT just told me..... your nodes not growing are a good sign! And I am sure a pain you have had for 3 years would not be cancer as I am sure you would be very unwell by now. I think that If I was suffering abdominal pain I would firstly try some relaxation like yoga as I have found that during yoga or anything else distracting a lot of my aches and pains disappear and therefore this gives me peace of mind. Maybe I would try some herbal teas to calm my stomach?
On that note maybe I will book a yoga class!!!

17-04-14, 11:32
Blimey....my appointment is this afternoon and am just terrified! Really trying to rationalise in my head but my body is not! my stomach has been in knots for about 4 weeks now! anyone else's body not do what its told?

B x