View Full Version : scared i can still get pregnant with tubes tied

15-04-14, 18:39
:ohmy: i got my tubes tied 4 months ago after i had my last baby but im still having thought that i can still get pregnant! My husband and i have 4 kids already,(under the age 6) we don't plan on having anymore! I'm so scared im going to get pregnant and something goes wrong with me and the baby or it gets stuck in my tubes! I have anxiety about my health already, like having cancer, a heart attack and being a diabetic!!

Is it possible i can still get pregnant??

15-04-14, 18:42

15-04-14, 18:47
I also say No you cant, if the tie them they tie them short so there is no way they can join back together, surprised they tied them though as they usually cut them now, don't worry you want get pregnant again, have fun lol

15-04-14, 19:04
Ok! Lol =) i feel alot better now!

15-04-14, 20:17
Glad you are feeling more positive, at least your worry is a life style worry, take care and have a good easter x

15-04-14, 20:50
Today it is! i have a long worry list! lol. but ty and you to!!

15-04-14, 22:04
We are all the same, so at least you are among friends LOL

15-04-14, 22:23
lol so true! thank GOD for you all!! THIS SITE SAVED ME FROM GOING INTO A MENTAL HOSPITAL!!!

15-04-14, 23:13
I don't think there is a mental Hospital big enough to fit us all in LOL

15-04-14, 23:23
lol i don't think so either!!!:roflmao:

16-04-14, 05:21
I don't think there is a mental Hospital big enough to fit us all in LOL

I think they would have to export us all to a country....Australia would be nice, damn we've already done that! :D

16-04-14, 09:30
LOL Don't send me there the heat would give me panic attacks, its good that even in the midst of a really scary HA bout we can see some humour, maybe there is hope for us yet :yesyes:

16-04-14, 15:33
Lol i love the heat! Winter time makes me depressed !!!
Just sens us to a Island lol!!

far far away!!!
but we must have a wal mart and a drug store!!!!:yahoo:

16-04-14, 18:19
LOL and a long list of medical staff to keep us stress free, open all hours of course and really understanding :doh:

16-04-14, 18:51
lol ooooo yes!!!! Im getting excited just thinking about it!!:roflmao:

16-04-14, 19:49
One big problem is I have a fear of flying LOL can we walk to the island, if we can't you are on your own,other than the ????????????????? Million other anxious guys and gals with you, this is going to be one big island LOL

16-04-14, 20:54
Lol it sure is!! We can just go by a boat.. lol or will yu get sea sick to?? lol!!!
o heck im scared to fly to!!!

22-04-14, 14:43
Thought i got over this but im 2 weeks LATE for mother nature :huh:

22-04-14, 15:12
I've been 2 weeks late too it will come

22-04-14, 15:20
:doh: lol ok im trying to be patient ...

22-04-14, 20:47
Wait a sec you had your last baby 4 months ago? Your periods will not be regular it's too soon. Are you breast feeding?

23-04-14, 03:09
the 28th she will be 5 month. I was breast feeding but i stopped because my nipples were so sore and red i was in tears trying to feed my baby! I tried to tough it out but it felt like needles were going through my tits!!

23-04-14, 03:51
Oh my goodness your periods will be crazy for like 6 months at least. It took until my son was one to even out. No worries seriously!

23-04-14, 11:14
go And get a preggy test, or take water sample into Drs they will do It for you,at least you will know for sure,im sure your not thoughx

23-04-14, 14:35
Kinda different but my husband had a vasectomy 5 years ago. It was confirmed successful but I still wonder from time to time, when my period is late, if I could be pregnant. I don't want to say it scares me but if I found out I was pregnant I'd be concerned. I will be 30 later this year and I always said I wanted my kids born before I was 30. My youngest is 5 and my oldest is 7 so it would be quite an age gap if I found out I was. This month, for some reason, my breasts are really sore. They haven't been this sore since I was pregnant with my youngest so I can't lie and say the thought hasn't crossed my mind. I won't test until my period is late though, I've wasted too much money in the past taking tests too early. No real advice I guess, but just wanted you to know your not the only one that has had the thought cross their minds even when it's highly unlikely. :hugs:

23-04-14, 15:40
Well thank you for sharing :hugs: im really afraid now cause just found out my aunt got pregnant with my cousin and her tubes were tied, also a friend of mine got pregnant with twins after a 3 year tubal!