View Full Version : Healthy living = annoying changes

15-04-14, 20:41
I went to the doctors today he told me I should exercise to calm my mind and to help me sleep , it will boost my mood too. The only thing is I work full time , long days , so by the time I get home I just can't be bothered. I hate exercise I just love relaxing and taking life easy I know it's bad but I can't help my attitude. I'm also self conscious. What can I do ?

15-04-14, 20:46
Could you do some yoga at home?

15-04-14, 20:46
Well I guess you just have a straight choice to make - easy :)

For me though I have to find activity that I enjoy. At the moment I struggle as I have two kids under 7 and a crazily busy full time job. Still manage to fit a game of badminton in though.

Another thing to look into is high intensity training. There is a growing body of evidence that you can gain positive physiological results using very short but very intense bursts of cardio.

15-04-14, 20:50
Run up and down the stairs, Its great exercise and costs nothing

15-04-14, 21:02
You could try some meditation. I use ones I have download from Amazon. It isn't exercise but it will help calm your mind and it's great for people who love to relax. I really look forward to doing it, I liken it to stepping off a busy chaotic street into a quiet, peaceful room.

16-04-14, 01:27
Well I guess you just have a straight choice to make - easy :)

For me though I have to find activity that I enjoy. At the moment I struggle as I have two kids under 7 and a crazily busy full time job. Still manage to fit a game of badminton in though.

Another thing to look into is high intensity training. There is a growing body of evidence that you can gain positive physiological results using very short but very intense bursts of cardio.

Just to add onto CPE's point about High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), it's challenging but if your fitness level isn't quite there yet, HIIT often has lower intensity programmes aimed at getting you started. All these celebrity weightloss vids tend to be based on HIIT because it's far more efficient at weight loss given it adds muscle (which means more calorie burning) and it provides a long period of rebuilding that requires more caloires, and standard cardio doesn't give this effect. HIIT will also increase your lung & heart capacity more than cardio but you are working to a higher level...like comparing sprinting to jogging.

HIIT comes from the training methods used to train sprinters in the world of athletics. There were various forms such as Fartlek, Tabata, etc. So, it's well tested in the sports world for it's results and the weightloss community have taken it on board.

If you don't want anything too demanding for now, why not look towards walking, cycling, etc as these have documented benefits as well.

If you want to have a relaxation technique that provides exercise, try Tai Chi or QiGong.

16-04-14, 02:22
I went to the doctors today he told me I should exercise to calm my mind and to help me sleep , it will boost my mood too. The only thing is I work full time , long days , so by the time I get home I just can't be bothered. I hate exercise I just love relaxing and taking life easy I know it's bad but I can't help my attitude. I'm also self conscious. What can I do ?

Pretty much I second CP's "choice to make". Do what the doctor said and get better or do nothing and stay the same :shrug:

Positive thoughts

16-04-14, 05:11
There is an additional issue to consider in making the choice - is activity that causes similiar sensations a fear? In which case it's back to controlled exposure.

16-04-14, 13:13
The choice is easy. It's only hard at the start, but eventually exercise becomes the very efficient method of relaxation.

16-04-14, 16:30
A therapist once told me this and it stuck with me:

If you always do what you've always done, then you'll always get what you've always got!

Meaning if you want things to be different then you need to *do* something about it!

17-04-14, 01:12
Choice is easy if there is no fear to get past. If there are issues around concentration on symptoms, then it can be another hurdle to get over hence I don't assume it's easy without more info. Exercise itself, after about 3-4 weeks the body has adjusted to the demand and you keep moving on from there. Exposure is the way forward with it, it's just getting over the mental hurdle for some people as well.