View Full Version : SKIPPY 66 Or anyone who's recoverd advise please??

15-04-14, 21:41
So I've been thinking today ironic eh!! Well I was sitting outside today listening to kiddies play all around as the sun was shining I started feeling like I was looking forward to things I'm in no way cured I still struggle massively everyday but I choose as best as I can to push it away well I started thinking I couldn't be arsed with it all anymore thinking feeling what will be will be but then I started thinking what will it all be like without it "anxiety" that is thinking daily without any worries stresses being at peace with death and illness so that's my question is that normal to think like this ?

15-04-14, 22:29
I'm a little confused by your post illgetthere, what type if thinking are you asking is normal?

15-04-14, 22:56
Sorry honey I have an art of talking in riggles
My question is living with anxiety is hard do when your on the toad to recovery is it normal to question what or who you would be without it I've had this 4 years now and today I thought about living without it it's sort of become me so who would I be without it? Does that make any sence I don't no how to describe it?

15-04-14, 23:03
Yes it's very normal. Anxiety controls your thoughts for so long you get addicted to theses thoughts. You can lose yourself on anxiety. I feel like I'm just starting to remember who I am. Boy I've missed myself.

15-04-14, 23:16
Ah I see what you mean now :)

Yes that's totally normal! You're just becoming more aware of how you think and the fact that you want to change. I remember years ago when I first started therapy and began to look at the way I think that it initially kind of scared me and the thought of living without constant anxiety seemed impossible.

It gets easier, the more you practice. And it's definitely a good thing to become self aware and start examining your own mind, it's an important step on the road to recovery :)

15-04-14, 23:26
Yes it's very normal. Anxiety controls your thoughts for so long you get addicted to theses thoughts. You can lose yourself on anxiety. I feel like I'm just starting to remember who I am. Boy I've missed myself.

That made me smile roseEVe boy have I missed me well done must of been a hard job getting to that point 🙏 you stay there x

---------- Post added at 23:26 ---------- Previous post was at 23:24 ----------

Ah I see what you mean now :)

Yes that's totally normal! You're just becoming more aware of how you think and the fact that you want to change. I remember years ago when I first started therapy and began to look at the way I think that it initially kind of scared me and the thought of living without constant anxiety seemed impossible.

It gets easier, the more you practice. And it's definitely a good thing to become self aware and start examining your own mind, it's an important step on the road to recovery :)

Thank-you honey You think it's a sign of recovery? I don't feel in recovery not 1bit just thinking today x

16-04-14, 02:23
You will get there :) just like your user name says. It sounds like you are already on a good path!

16-04-14, 12:16
The moment of recovery for me was this:

Whenever I used to go away for a week, or do something like a work conference/business trip, I would find that my symptoms got 90% better. I know now that it's because distraction is one of the key pillars of recovery from health anxiety.

Then, once I had recovered, I had a week of doing stuff at home, and I suddenly thought, wow I'm getting things done and not obsessing over my health any more.

What you're going through is perfectly normal, and it's a good sign that you're well on the way to recovery.

Good luck!

16-04-14, 13:04
You get to a point where thinking that way is no longer a priority and if anything does arise your attitude is "blah & bugger it" as opposed to doom and gloom.
it's a good feeling good to be able to read these forums and not find yourself checking for the same symptoms. It's good to be free from a horrible vice.

16-04-14, 13:51
By the way, if you're coming here for any other reason than to try to help others overcome their health anxiety, then you still have health anxiety.

16-04-14, 16:21
I still almost 100% have health anxiety that's for sure :( just thought those thoughts yesterday was a little strange

17-04-14, 13:55
I love this quote,

"If you think you can or you think you can't, you're probably right".

Try and apply this to health anxiety. Because it's basically just a fear of fear. Which doesn't really exist.