View Full Version : Saw the doctor today

15-04-14, 21:42
I saw a doctor today and he said that he thinks the pain in my chest is inflammation because when he touched it, it hurt me. He listened to my chest because I keep coughing when I breathe in, but said that it was clear. I forgot to tell him so many things though so I'm still worrying crazily. I forgot to say that I keep getting spasms/twitches in my chest constantly, back pain, pins and needles/buzzing in my back, constant aches and breathlessness. Lately my actual gp has been monitoring my pulse because of it being high at rest (as I've said in previous posts), but I've also been worried because it fluctuates so much and is either really high or late 50's/60's. I've been keeping an eye on it and today I was sat resting and did my pulse and it was about 62, then I did it 5 minutes later having not moved and it was 90 odd! It terrifies me so much. I asked the doctor today and he said it's probably anxiety ugh and to mention it to my actual gp when I next see him. I swear he didn't even listen to me properly. It fluctuates so much and I literally just walk up a couple of stairs and it's going so fast that I feel like I'm about to faint. The breathlessness/aches are scaring me too....Today I walked up my sisters front path and then the few steps in to her house and my legs and whole body killed and I swear I couldn't catch my breath.

Really tired today so even more terrified to sleep tonight :(. Got about 4 hours sleep last night so now I'm exhausted and overtired, so the thought of sleeping is panicking me even more than normal. Being really tired always makes me feel like it's actually death, like my body wants me to tuck up and sleep so that it can slip away and die. Have any of you ever had this extreme fear of sleep before? It's so real to me and I'm honestly so shock every morning that I wake up and am still alive. I don't know how to let go and cope with not being in control because anything could happen and I might slip away.

16-04-14, 06:48
So you didn't do as suggested and print the post off you did? Or at least write everything down. Always do this because you will always forget something and then brood because you didn't mention it.

We cannot stress again to you how much you NEED to sleep. Your body is crying out for sleep. It doesn't want to die it just wants to rest!

So you're back to square one because you're still scared to sleep and still have no mechanisms to enable you to sleep or rest?

Have you tried downloading some relaxation or mindfulness? Even if you won't allow yourself to sleep at least that migr give your body a break.