View Full Version : Chances of cancer under age 30 statistics?

15-04-14, 22:44
Hi all, I'm 28 years old and I've made a few posts before with regards to my recent struggle with HA brought on by the feeling of something "abnormal" under (not below) my right rib cage. When I inhale deeply I can feel something not right, like a couple nodules or something popping out for a brief second in between my ribs under my chest. Its not something that can be seen, only felt. Of course ever since I discovered this feeling a few months ago, I've been living in constant fear with the overwhelming thought that these are cancerous tumors and they are multiplying and its terminal (I know, sounds silly).

I thought I would post this question because I think people that are prone to having HA want statistics. I know for me, if I knew the odds of having cancer at my age were say 1 in 10000 (just throwing that out there), given normal bloodwork, good physical health (workout 4-5 days a week), no family history of cancer, that it would put my mind at ease and I'm sure alot of other's as well.

Does anyone out there have some rough statistics on the odds of having cancer under age 30? Under age 40? Is there a chart somewhere that shows statistics of having certain types of cancers divided into age category? Like age 20-30, 1 in 10000; 30-40, 1 in 5000, etc.

I think it could only help alot of us cancer anxiety sufferers and give us some perspective. If anyone has some statistics to share your feedback is appreciated. Thanks

15-04-14, 22:45
I agree would be a great health for us axiety suffers

Catherine S
15-04-14, 23:17
OK, its 1 in 3 million. So does that help your HA, or do you now just think you are that 1? Statistics don't help with HA so best not to go there really.

15-04-14, 23:20
There is such charts (cancer research I think, but don't quote me) I used to frantically read them and reassured me for an hour, then you just start to believe you're the 1 in 10,000 etc x

Catherine S
15-04-14, 23:22
Exactly what I've just said :)

15-04-14, 23:29
Stats just make you think you will be the unlucky one so don't even look into it

15-04-14, 23:34
Fair enough. But if someone has it in their minds that their chances are 1 in 10 that a certain discovered lump is cancerous, when in reality its probably 1 in 10000, I would think that could only help put their mind at ease (maybe thats just me). I might be going at it the wrong way but I'm a numbers guy and was just curious if anyone had any actual stats. Thanks

Catherine S
15-04-14, 23:43
I'm sure somebody will pop up with the stats at some point...his name is Terry lol! But are you really saying that numbers will comfort you?

15-04-14, 23:54
I usually compare it to a real life event like getting hit by lightning or having a meteor fall on your head. You can say it's 1 in a million but a tangible example sinks in a little better. Unfortunately, as has been said, you'll end up believing you're that 1 in a million.

For me personally it was the opposite. If I were/am to believe the statistics of my survival from cancer, I wouldn't have made it through. The reality of the statistics and the fact that I'm still here are two different things.

Truly, as posted by Tanner concerning CBT, the key is being able to reassure yourself by changing your mindset and the way you approach your thoughts.

Positive thoughts