View Full Version : fast heart beat middle of the night

16-04-14, 07:13
This has probably been posted about before but recently I have been waking up several times during the night with a dry mouth, fast heartbeat and general feeling of doom. I usually sleep fine and this is a new one on me, it is scary and I am not sure what to do about it. I am not too concerned about heart problems as I have had several ECG's but I am still worried. Is my mind still racing with thoughts even though I am asleep? Thanks for reading

16-04-14, 08:50
I have had the same thing in the past, just the anxiety and adrenaline building up. If you have been checked by a doctor and had ecgs then try not to worry about it. You could always ask your doctor to put you on a small betablocker. I am on one and it helps calm me down :)

16-04-14, 11:42
It's a feedback loop between adrenaline your unconscious mind and heart. I get it too with a healthy heart especially when sleeping or half awake. It can seem to happen because of my position I stretch a chest muscle and bam.

16-04-14, 12:14
almamatters, I've had this happen and thought I was having night time panic attacks. It turned out in my case that I had acid reflux coming up at night while I was lying down, and this was setting off the fast heart beats. Waking up with my heart racing for no apparent reason used to scare me, which naturally led to feelings of anxiety and sometimes panic. It's worth looking at reflux to see if this might be happening for you.

16-04-14, 12:23
Ya I'm sure reflux can trigger it too, I get it too.

16-04-14, 12:41
Yeah I had a discussion with a caridologist about it, he said it's something that they're becoming more and more aware of these days, the link between the stomach and heart.

At the time I was having lots of stomach problems and was getting these racing heartbeats too. I had to go on a drug that lowered my stomach acid levels and the heart palpitations stopped and then came back again when I came off the drug! It was very obvious what was happening, weird but at least I had an explanation. Now I notice that whenever my reflux is acting up that I'm guaranteed some palpitations or moments where my heart races too.

Of course worrying about it didn't help and I'm sure caused even more palps and racing beats, but at least I know now and it doesn't bother me :)

16-04-14, 13:15
These all sound like symptoms of nocturnal anxiety attacks.

16-04-14, 16:05
I get these same things, i also feel confused when this happens! It was a awful feeling. It happen last night i couldnt go back to sleep for a while, also the moon was shining through my window and it scared the crap out of me til i realized what it was!

16-04-14, 16:55
Hi alma yeah this is quite common symptoms of anxiety ,I get it alot its not very pleasant I just sit up now have drink until it settles usally does after 10/15mins hope it passes soon I know how unpleasant it is xx