View Full Version : First Post and have horrible anxiety.

16-04-14, 08:24
Hi all. I have suffered from chronic debilitating anxiety on and off for years. Managed a last 7 years without an episode, but due to huge stresses over the last month, I reached my tipping point and am experiencing the most horrendous anxiety. I can't eat or sleep. I have two young boys, and my 7 year old is extremely challenging. Has anyone experienced anxiety this bad? I just need it to stop. Desperate.

16-04-14, 08:47
Hi and :welcome: sorry to hear you are having a bad time, yes this time last year I was where you and unable to leave the house, with slow exposure and meds I have come a long way from there, so it will get better good luck :)

16-04-14, 08:50
Thanks for replying. I just can't see a way forward right now, I feel so awful. I just don't know what to do with myself. I'm glad you managed to feel better.

16-04-14, 11:54
I have two little ones. My son is also rather challenging! I have sent them to their nans for a few days as I have been really not well. Was taking prozac for 3 weeks but it tipped me over the edge.

Have you been to the doctor?

I let myself get really low before I did for fear they would say I cant cope, or contacted social services or something. My doc was really reassuring. I know im a good mum!

Diazepam for the last couple of days while I get used to the Citalopram. Today I feel better than yesterday so that is good. The diazepam really helps with the anxiety.

Get to the docs. Proparnanol helps too with anxiety!

Hope your feeling better soon. And if its any help, Im in the same boat at the minute.. x