View Full Version : Hello, feel like im going crazy

16-04-14, 09:52
Hello, I just want to try and describe whats going on in my head...

Im a 27 year old male, from the age of 17-21ish I was a happy go lucky, bubbly fella, I drank a lot though, I think that started to try and boost my confidence with women and improve sexual performance! At that age I also used a fair bit of cocaine, ketamine, cannabis, pills etc...

Anyway, I never had problems with anxiety until one day in Greece with my soon to be girlfriend, I suffered from premature ejaculation, this had never happened to me before but since that day it has stuck with me ever since. I suffered with it ever since that day, and I think that was because I was worrying about it. That worry has now turned into constant torment in my head. It is in my head morning, noon and night, sat there talking to me as I try and work, I find myself shouting at myself to shut up!

but it doesn't work. From that anxiety, has stemmed allsorts of feelings. Some days are worse than others. if ive drank the night before, the following couple of days the anxiety can be bad. Some days I cross the road if there are people coming towards me as I don't want them to see me. When I talk to people a voice in my head seems to say "shutup, your so boring, you've got nothing interesting to say"

Its as if I feel as though im having to control two brains, one brain to go about my daily business of work, while the other is constantly there bad mouthing me.

Some days im fine though, I just wish it was all the time.

I tried to explain to my GP a few months ago, she has sent for me to go to Cognitive sexual behavioural therapy, but its a 12 month waiting list and im still waiting.

She seemed to think that if I resolve the initial problem of the ejaculation then my anxieties would lessen.

Anyway, sorry for going on but id like to speak to people who might be in the same boat...cheers:)

16-04-14, 14:22

16-04-14, 15:20

Welcome to the site.

Drugs have a tendency to take doubts and insecurities and magnify them.
Been there, done that.

It's hard to get any confidence going if you have that big insecurity there. It ebbs away because it always comes back to that big flaw you see in yourself.

I think after a lot of drug use you may be prone to being introspective/self aware like that. Just treat it like its a stone in your shoe. Sometimes it can make you uncomfortable but just carry on anyway.
We all feel insecure so you're the same as the rest of us.

I packed alcohol in years ago because the anxiety the day/s after was so bad.

Who cares about premature ejaculation anyway. It's not even a biggy that mate. Most of us have our turn at being c**p in the bedroom. It's normal. Who cares.
You might feel a bit more secure though if you can get that out of your system. You might find with that particular hole in your bucket patched you'll find all of your confidence and self esteem coming back.

Don't worry about any of it though mate, you're sounding pretty normal to me.

I'd pack the drugs and alcohol In and let your brain chemistry sort itself back out.

Work with your therapist and see how you get on. Don't let any of it stop you leading a normal life, just a stone in your shoe.

16-04-14, 17:20
Cheers for the reply mate,

The alcohol is big for anxiety, im now on my 4th working day of the week, ive not had a drink for 5 days and im fresh as a daisy, talkative with the customers and having a laugh. If you saw me on day 1 I was introverted, and my brain couldn't come up with words to respond to people. I had had a bit of a heavy session the days before going back into work.

I went gym last night, 6 mile run, feeling good with the sun shining, I need to lay off the booze and other vices, im realising they are just messing my brain up