View Full Version : :-( had enough

16-04-14, 10:07
I don't know how much longer I can go on like this :,-( i have just met a horrible doctor who was completely insensitive. I don't know why I'm posting, I just don't have anyone to talk to anymore because everyone is sick of me and my constant worrying but this site had become a real support as everyone is understanding and kind on here. Excuse the wallowing in self pity but I've truly had enough of this endless cycle of anxiety, stress and panic :-(

16-04-14, 10:25
I'm sick of the anxiety cycle too, and doctors that have no understanding or empathy! At least all of us on here understand each other big virtual hug to yo you x :)

16-04-14, 10:29
Hi Hetty, Sorry to hear you are struggling at the mo and havnt had any luck with yr gp. I would request an appointment with another gp. I live with the dreaded anxiety from the minute I wake up till I go to bed. It really does make live unbearable at times. I know how you must be feeling. If you ever need to chat, drop me a line. You take care x

16-04-14, 11:57
You want to know something? The way you're feeling is actually a good thing. No wait hear me out. Ha sufferers need this feeling. We need to turn our hopeless and anger at our real enemy, our anxiety. I believe it's part of a process. People will go through worrying about things they might have or have been exposed to until they/we get to the enough stage.

Unfortunately the state of worry doesn't completely stop or go away but we adapt to it and reduce how much it bothers us. We cut it it off before it gets too far. Turn it inward into your anxiety make it your main focus and everything else secondary, you gotta choose between that and going ng crazy paralyzed with fear. It's no way to live.

16-04-14, 12:51
Thank you for your replies, that does make sense yossino. I'm so fed up, all my relationships are affected by this constant worry. I have suffered with anxiety for as long as I can remember but its been heightened since I fell pregnant and had my little girl :-( it ruins everything!

16-04-14, 12:57
Me too :( I'm only young and this should be the last thing on my mind. I have a good job, I'm buying a house, treat friends, my relationship leaves much to be desired but it's not that bad really and I shouldn't complain, I keep worrying that I'm never going to have that life with a family, I haven't had a chance to have children yet and I want children, I want grand children and I wanna grow to be old and have cheapy handbags and people let me sit down on the bus. I'm so scared I won't get that chance because il have a horrible and rare disease :( I'm sick of checking my body for symptoms and inevitably finding them (lumps bumps pains marks etc)
It's all I think about, it consumes me :( my doctor is going to get a restraining order against me at this rate too

16-04-14, 21:22
Thank you for your replies, that does make sense yossino. I'm so fed up, all my relationships are affected by this constant worry. I have suffered with anxiety for as long as I can remember but its been heightened since I fell pregnant and had my little girl :-( it ruins everything!

Try to turn your attention outwards. Enjoy the people in your life, get out more. Learn to live and love things again. Just don't go all out and burn yourself out.

My particular anxiety doesn't exist when I'm worrying about (and helping) other people. For some people that can cause anxiety though I guess.

Is your main worry dying and leaving your child behind? I don't want to trigger anything, but knowing your true source of anxiety is a good thing.

16-04-14, 21:29
I want grand children and I wanna grow to be old and have cheapy handbags and people let me sit down on the bus.

Haha that's funny Jonsle ;)

I think you could be onto something there Yossino.

16-04-14, 21:38
Thanks again for your reply yossino, that's exactly it. I've had health anxiety for what feels like forever but now I have a little girl who depends on me I can't stand the thought of leaving her behind. However, I also worry all the time about her. It's like a double dose ++ now!

16-04-14, 22:08
Hi Hetty,
I found this site today as I feel like you do, for me my heath anxiety started 2 years ago and im convinced ive got lung cancer. Its a horrid feeling and your right that it affects how you interact with other people. What i found a little comforting today is that other people seem to have the same sort of feeling so I now know its not just me. Ive been reading tonight alot and have stumbled across acupressure, there are points for helping relieve anxiety. Im not saying they work as im using the internet as a guide but they have helped me relax tonight, so it may be worth a try.

17-04-14, 02:15
Thanks again for your reply yossino, that's exactly it. I've had health anxiety for what feels like forever but now I have a little girl who depends on me I can't stand the thought of leaving her behind. However, I also worry all the time about her. It's like a double dose ++ now!

Maybe I can enlighten you with another perspective. She needs you now. I'm not saying you don't take care of her, but honestly can you fully with a crippling fear preventing you from living now? Her perspective she sees you as you are now. You want to make the best of your time. You gotta be strong for her.

Anxiety is a war, the more you learn about yourself and what triggers it the more you can learn to cope and prevent full out attacks. You cannot self diagnose and prevent death. That thought is a hard one to absorb, trust me holy hell I know. Especially when the anxiety kicks in, it certainly feels like a one way ticket to the grave. I'm actually on here, because I've been having a hard week :(

but like I said, the more you pay attention to it, and think... "well I was certain I was going to die months ago" but you gotta tell yourself IM STILL HERE.

You me, and lots of other people will still have bad days, but it does get better and it is possible to have many more good days than bad, but it's gotta start with you. Positivity and good vibes as much as your brain will let you have them.