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View Full Version : Brain tumour.. so scared please help?

16-04-14, 11:38
For almost 3 years (with a year where I was ok in between) I have had constant headache at one side and a tingling foot at the opposite side. I had a CT scan 3 years ago when it first started which was 'normal' I also see a lot of floaters in my vision and recently I have noticed occasional blue flashes in my vision which lasts about a second and then goes away. The headaches aren't especially severe but they are always there and the tingling in my foot is annoying and worrying. The left side of my body feels weaker than my right. My doctor is baffled and I am going to a headache clinic. I had my eyes tested at the start of this year and she said that everything looks normal behind my eyes. I have recently started taking microgynon contraceptive pill last week (I switched from the implant) and I have been taking citalopram for almost 3 weeks.
Does this sound like a brain tumour? I am so scared.. and if not.. what the heck is it? The headache is mostly the right side of my head and the left side of my body is weaker and my left lower left is very stiff and my left hand doesn't seem to move properly. Would a CT scan 3 years ago have missed it or could I have developed it since?

16-04-14, 11:51
We cannot diagnose illnesses as you know and you have to trust what the doctor is doing to find the cause.

16-04-14, 12:59
You had a scan and it showed nothing, your problem is health anxiety, could be a tension headache of some sort?

16-04-14, 13:09
I notice that you posted another thread about this a few days ago, and I can't add anything to what I said before, other than this.

Cancer/brain tumours are progressive illnesses - they don't stop and start again, so the fact that you had a period of a year when you were fine **and** had a clear CT scan means that any sort of tumour is extremely unlikely, if not impossible. Tumours can't "hide" from scanning processes - if they're there, they're there.

The thing we can't give you is reassurance, which is what you're looking for. Even if we do manage to give you reassurance, it will last for a few minutes or hours, and then you'll ask the same question again. This is the common pattern of health anxiety, I'm afraid.

16-04-14, 13:09
You opened a similar brain tumor thread not too long ago. Read through all of that again, and accept that you do not have a brain tumor. Go out for a walk, or a run.
And for further reassurance, read through all of these symptoms that anxiety can cause, you'll feel better.

16-04-14, 13:38
I know that no one can provide a diagnosis. If it was just headache I would maybe worry less but cos I have the tingling, nausea, loss of appetite and now that my leg feels stiff and hurts when I walk I can't think of anything else it can be but a tumour? I've had it for about 15 months constantly now without 1 single day of it going away completely

16-04-14, 13:58
You're constantly worrying about it though, your mind can play tricks on you! I remember when I was worried about a spot (yes a spot) and I could swear it was itchy and hurting all the time, not healing etc, then I found something else untoward and guess what stopped hurting? I didn't even notice it wasn't hurting (if you get me) until I noticed it had healed and wasn't red/sore in the shower one day... Because I'd stopped thinking about it, therefore stopped worrying about it and prodding it it went away. Find something else to occupy your mind with? Sign up for a marathon or something to train for! X

16-04-14, 14:24
I can't think of anything else it can be but a tumour?

That's because you're not a trained medical professional.

19-04-14, 20:10
I understand that but they aren't giving me any answers

19-04-14, 20:34
I understand that but they aren't giving me any answers

Hi love what answers they have not said its a BT so there is an answer and if I was you be pleased they havent xx

19-04-14, 21:25
I understand that but they aren't giving me any answers

Because there are no answers when exams and tests show there's nothing medically wrong with you.

I responded to you on another thread in that in three years, if indeed something sinister was going on, you'd be very ill or not even here.

The key is to treat the real illness which is anxiety.

Positive thoughts

20-04-14, 05:30
You sounds exactly like me a few months ago! Please check my first thread from my profile, it's like a copy of your text!