View Full Version : I'm making myself ill

16-04-14, 18:51

Feeling really fed up and and I dont know where to turn, i used to be an smoker and quit 5 years ago after smoking for 14 years. Then last year a friend died from lung cancer, he was much older and a real heavy smoker, I then started to panic if I had stopped in time. then i suffered from a cold and ever since ive had a nagging cough, ive seen the doctor and had a chest xray which scared me as it came back as not clear, but they said this was due to me being an ex smoker. I suffer from chest pains and spent last year thinking my heart was packing in and now think i have lung cancer. The doctor has precribed me some meds citolapram i think but after reading the side affects i cant imagine ever taking them. My cough is only of a morning, and is like a throat clearing cough, but i dont cough until i realise i havnt coughed. At work im fine because im occupied and dont think about. Now ive got a pain in my shoulder for the last 2 weeks and when i use dr google im certain ive got cancer. Its driving me mad, im scared to tell people because im scared what they will think, cant even face the doctor again..

Can anxiety cause cough and chest pain?

16-04-14, 19:29
Hi Pau1200 think about it if it was something sinister they would of told you ,they would not say see you Paul be on your way ,and anxiety can cause chest pain honest it can and you might just have a cough in the morning due to years of smoking ,I too am an ex smoker and my chest is always worse in the morning keep yourself busy try not to focus on it this will help you xx

16-04-14, 19:40
Im o.k when i dont think about it, its when i get a twinge in my chest, a cough, or anything, the panic sets in. I keep trying to tell myself its all in my head but it doesnt help. How does everyone else cope. Are there any anonymous groups i dont want to be labeled crazy, im scared to walk in the open for no reason, ive got kids so try and hide it but sometimes its hard. Id love to go out and walk on my own but to scared. Even when typing this i just think how pathetic im being.

16-04-14, 19:51
Im o.k when i dont think about it, its when i get a twinge in my chest, a cough, or anything, the panic sets in. I keep trying to tell myself its all in my head but it doesnt help. How does everyone else cope. Are there any anonymous groups i dont want to be labeled crazy, im scared to walk in the open for no reason, ive got kids so try and hide it but sometimes its hard. Id love to go out and walk on my own but to scared. Even when typing this i just think how pathetic im being.

Lets get one thing straight your certainly not crazy or pathetic ,your just suffering with an illness like most of us on here ,I know you feel scared but going out getting fresh air and exercise will really help you ,have you ever had any cbt this might help you x

16-04-14, 19:54
I haven't, im assuming cbt is counciling based theropy? Will this be organised through my gp as he just wants me on medication.

16-04-14, 20:02
I haven't, im assuming cbt is counciling based theropy? Will this be organised through my gp as he just wants me on medication.

Yeah it is and a combination or meds and thearapy can really help you thats what my gp advised good luck hun x

16-04-14, 20:13
Thanks, Ive got a prescription of citalopram, I will have to give them a try, Does the fear every go away? I keep looking at the symptoms trying to convince myself that it cant be this. Are there any relaxation techniques that help

16-04-14, 20:21
Im on medication and it took awhile to kick in but omg they have helped me ,I listen to relaxion music on my i pod I zone out it helps also I do alot of reading about anxiety this helps me understand why im feeling like I do and to be honest the more knowlegde I have the better aI feel also massage is good x