View Full Version : Ladies, offer a guy some advice please! (and guys)

04-12-06, 05:29
Hi everybody, I hope you can help me out here with this. It is 4:45am and im writing this on here so that should say that it has been on my mind.

Okay ladies, I need your womanly advice if i may borrow you for a little while hehe. I will set the story up for you all.

Yesterday (Sat night) i went along to my moms' work do up Birmingham City Centre and a girl i had heard alot about prior to the night went along and i was personally excited to meet her because i had seen her briefly once before when she recieved a lift home from work with my mom and had to get out the car so my mom could. I thought then i like this girl, she's attractive!

So anyway i asked my mom about her like her name and age and what not and her name is Lucy and she is 20 years old. I am 24 for those who forgot by the way. As the months went by, plans for the xmas work do moved forwards and i decided to go along also about a month before the event. I was excited by the prospect of a good overall night and getting to meet this girl.

My mom had got Lucy's mobile number when she agreed to work her hours one time and got her number incase she needed to contact her or whether any plans had changed.

Another guy Steve who worked at the post office (my moms work) saw Lucy also and liked her also. This was afew months ago now i believe. He asked Lucys cousin who also works at the post office for Lucys mobile number and she gave it to him. Whether they have been out yet properly as mates or anything more is pretty much still up in the air.

So over the last few months, my moms work colleagues (including Lucy) had got to see me and other family members when my mom took my sister's wedding photos into work with her.

On the morning of the xmas do, my mom caught the bus home and was sitting next to Lucy as she talked about the event that night and my mom mentioned that i was going also. I'm not jumping the gun here but she did ask questions about me my mom said such as my age and whether or not i was seeing anyone at the moment.

THIS IS WHERE MY FIRST QUESTION COMES IN LADIES HAHA - having seen me in wedding photos before and asking whether i was single or not, would that in your opinion just mean she was asking out of friendliness and curiosity or was she asking for a different reason? Such as interest in me?

So the night came and i went along to the event held in Birmingham City Centre. I got there and when i first saw Lucy she gave a polite smile but i noticed throughout the night she would give casual glances over in my direction. For example, say I am sitting at the top of the table and she is in such a position that she would have to turn around to look at me at all, she did do so as if she was listening to what a colleagues of hers was saying who was sitting in my direction and then would give a second or two glance my way whilst this was going on but would then quickly look back the way she was originally. She did this afew times during the evening.

Is this any kind of sign of interest either guys. She spent alot of the time chatting to that Steve fella who had started sitting next to her. They were talking and sometimes she would look like she was interested in the conversation she was having with him and other times would be facing forwards instead, not looking that interested. Cue another glance over my way in the manner in which i just described.

I am a shy guy and time was ticking away and i hadnt yet even introduced myself to her. i was getting frustrated with myself for this. Then one of my my moms colleagues looked to me and said afew of the youngsters are going clubbing afterwards and would i want to join them. I said yes please.

After this i thought come on dave, introduce yourself now otherwise you will be like the spare one at the wedding if you don't so i pulled myself together and approached Lucy and introduced myself. I said hi and my names Dave, whats yours? (Like i didnt know already lol) Anyways i did that nothing fancy, just an into and she seemed to be happy that i had came over to her and has introduced

04-12-06, 05:57
Sweetness, you did fine! You were very brave and probably extremely sauve. You said your mother works with the girl? Why not take your mother out to lunch one day and while your waiting for your mother, pop by the girl and casually ask for her number? Alright... someone else say something its not like I have alot of experience with this crap being a social phobic!

Be cool.... smile...try not to stutter and make sure you suck a breath mint before-hand. Good luck! Glad someone stands a chance of getting laid.[:O]:D ha ha I crack myself up.. Anyways you'll be great!

Edited to add: the smilies are not up to par.. can't convey the right feelings with the damn things[:O]- not supposed to be sexual don't read anything into it. naughty monkeys... alright i'm leaving..

If nothing else...I will survive.

To: SSJHSMH-You are light and my heart and strength. I will protect you in this life or the next always.

04-12-06, 06:03
Aww, I think it would be good for you to text her. Girls tend to like that and not find it creepy until it turns into stalking, haha. I think a text is a nice way to do it, you could even call her once if you want to. :)
Good luck!

“Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength.”


04-12-06, 07:42
Hey Dave,
Nice little story by the way!!!
Well so far ur better than me as i am 2 yrs younger than you and i wouldn`t have done half as what you have already done!!

Anyway down to business...
It is def worth a try to text her (It does work, as thats how my sis and her boyfriend got together, Moms work etc)
But just remember she works with your mom and she may get it in the neck!! She seems like a great girl that wants attention, so play it cool and calm - maybe even meet your mom after work one day and hope she leaves with your mom at the same time, Perfect get chatting and the world is at your oyster!!! [Yeah!]
You only live once... So do your best to enjoy life to the max, Take risks as thats what life is all about!!!

Good luck!

Take care

04-12-06, 08:08
Hey Dave,

I would get the number from your mom and text her. I saw your wedding pics and know how handsome you are so you have no worries in that department. Well done you for going clubbing you did good. Just text her and say who you are and does she want to go out one night. Let us know how you get on.

Take Care


04-12-06, 09:30
hey dave,
well i say dont tex her... as a 20 yr old girl meself i would feel beyond freaked if some guy (no offence) had got me mob no of his mam!!! thats just to weird hun.... dont do it!!!
U r hansome so dont worry bout that side of things!! hehe!!
Mack had a fab idea.... makin it look like ur not a stalker is important... not sure bout takin ur mam to lunch though!! hehe!!
umm its hard to tell if the girl likes ya or not.... the leanin thing in the club sounds good though.... u did good in the club btw!!!
AS u know i love to give pointers... so if u need more straight talk of me pm me and i will give ya plenty of 'moves'!! seriously... this is me speciality... i have been a real life cupid since i was 12!!!

04-12-06, 10:38
HI, right stop pussy footing around,get on with it , god go out with her and let us know when the wedding is we all would like an invite!!!! Go with the flow, good luck.

04-12-06, 10:54
Call the girl !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You like her - you want to date her....... CALL THE GIRL!!!!!!!!

04-12-06, 12:50
All looks very promising Dave!I would ask your mom to ask lucy if it's ok if you getin touch with her?That way you are showing yu are interested and also not jumpin the gun!!Iagree that Lucy MAY think it is cheeky you textin and gettin the number off your mom.She obviously likes you Dave!Hey maybe you could give lucy your number via your mom?? At the same time as asking if it is ok for you to call/text,she will have your number too!Good luck .xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

miss diagnosis
04-12-06, 12:53
yeah she likes u for sure!!! text her. If she really likes u she will text back. much less awkward then a phone call!!

05-12-06, 02:40
keep your advice comin guys and gals

Dave, UK

05-12-06, 08:10
Call her, the worst thing that can happen is that she knocks you back. You have nothing to lose.


05-12-06, 09:25
Ahhh, Dave, it was like listening to a Simon Bates 'Our Tune' (you'd have to be quite old to remember that!!).

Well, I agree with Gemma (Ammeg) - I think you should give your mum a note with your phone number on and ask her to give it to Lucy so that she can text you!! That way, the balls in her court and she doesn't have to feel you are a stalker or fear rejection, afterall, you're not gonna turn her down if you deliberately gave her your number.

Well done for going to the club Dave.


05-12-06, 11:06
So as a girl who has only met me once, you don't think she would find it weird if my mom gave her a note from me with my number on?


05-12-06, 13:45
Hi Dave,

Being a shy girl, I don't know about anyone else but I would not call a guy if someone passed me his number, even if I new him well. I like a guy to get in touch with me.

You have had some great advice and I would go with one of those, either get the number off your mum and text her asking her out. Or meet your mum for lunch and bump into this girl and have a chat, this one sounds best to me.

Or, find out where she goes out drinking and bump into her, chat to her, get to know her more and ask her out then.

You are doing great Dave, wish you luck Mate.



05-12-06, 13:51
Hi dave, you did well in the club!!!! I'd seriously consider getting in touch with Anmeg for her advices as she is exactly the same age as Lucy, she'll probably know whats the best thing to do.

Okay, Im 27, I don't think I'd be too impressed if I got your number off your mum, but would probably enjoy to bump into you, if you just came to drop off/pick up something at ur mums workplace....like keys for example and just casually walked by me and directly asked me for my number. Play it cool by being polite and inviting, but not desperate and clingy...get what I mean ;) Make her WANT to give you her number...
Please fill us in what comes out of this as Im crossing fingers for you...

"If you magnify your imperfections and minimize your good points, you're guaranteed to feel inferior. But the problem isn't YOU its- its the crazy lenses you are wearing! " Feeling Good handbook

05-12-06, 14:00
No Dave, I think by giving her a note of your number you are letting her decide whether to ring you or not. But also agree with previous poster, PM Gemma who is probably more in touch with 'affairs of the heart' than me!! Good luck tho Dave.

Kay x

05-12-06, 14:04
It sounds like she spent a fair bit of the night with this other guy though?
Did you ask her to dance, or did you offer to buy her a drink?

I think your Mum should ask her if she minds you texting her. Good luck, it sounds like you are major hung up on her - I hope she feels the same x