View Full Version : Interactions with Citalopram?

16-04-14, 21:19
Hi there guys. Long time browser, first time poster wondering about Citalopram interactions. I'm only on 5mg (been tapering off) but it's come to a time when I need to take other medications to function properly and I'm wondering if they're ok. I'll make a little list of some things that worry me and if people who have experience combining the two can chip in then I'd be eternally grateful as it's making me panic quite a bit!

First up is Cetirizine, is this ok with Citalopram? I've come out in spots which my doctor thinks is an allergic reaction to something and so has advised this drug, which is handy as my hayfever is starting to act up again. I don't really trust this particular doctor due to some iffy advice in the past, and I can never get an appointment to see my family doctor so I'm just wondering if anyone can reassure me that shes correct.

Next up would be inhalers, are those cool? I have seasonal asthma so if antihistamines don't work I might need an inhaler.

Also I'm wanting to know if any foods interact because I daren't eat a lot of foods just in case! I never seem to be able to find a conclusive answer so I'm wondering if anyone could help. Responses will be infinitely appreciated guys!! Thank you.

16-04-14, 21:48
I think all are fine to take with it...your doctor will know what medications you are on and the interactions...they have to check before prescribing. Cetirazine and inhalers are as common as citalopram so I'd be surprised if there were any adverse interactions but check with GP or pharmacist if you are concerned.

17-04-14, 13:46
OK that sounds like good news. Still wouldn't mind anyone chipping in with any personal experiences to put my mind at ease!

Also it's a stupid question but does hayfever give people a tight chest, because mine is quite tight and I dint remember this happening before.