View Full Version : scared again

16-04-14, 21:57
hi, i need reassurance again :weep: for the last few years ive had some form of hives, no swelling anywhere, but horrible itching on various parts , every day... my worries are my throat, im still thinking that i can go into a severe allergic reaction and the hives are in my windpipe causing my acid reflux, tight throat, belching ect... are the chances still small of this happening or can it still happen, the other strange throat thing is ,sometimes after drinking something, my throat gets like a tight feeling with what feels like phlem, just under my adams apple, it does go off i have it for a few seconds after ive drank water, could it be hives there ? could i still have a severe allegic reaction if ive never had one ? im so worried at the moment :weep::weep::weep:

17-04-14, 22:39
anyone ?

18-04-14, 01:37
I suffer allergies when I am anxious and can have trouble swallowing which is alarming especially when taking medication, I have the cold at the moment which I am convinced is partly due to stress and anxiety. I get health anxieties when I am run down and it is important to realise some of these symptoms can be caused by anxiety and depression and they generally pass . If you are really worried make an appointment with your Doctor and have your throat examined to rule out any obstructions.

Take Care

18-04-14, 14:39
hi rcs, thanks for your reply.... i had a barium swallow nearly 2 years ago and they ruled out everything expt mild acid reflux, the gp said the throat symptoms are prob due to that but the throat thing started not long after i got the hives and to this day i still worry to whether its hives in my windpipe and i still have it now.

18-04-14, 17:03
That feeling in your throat you describe is very common with anxiety and acid reflux...... it's nothing to worry about.... honestly.... trust you Dr
