View Full Version : So Dizzy!

16-04-14, 22:00
I'm so dizzy! Feel like I might pass out/die. I hate this. Anyone else get like this during panic, the EXTREME lightheadedness? It's been about 40 minutes now :-(

16-04-14, 22:33
Yep. Can be dizzy all day even wen not having a panic attack just being anxuoise can do it x

16-04-14, 22:44
Same. It's crappy, isn't it? To add to it, I get pretty bad labyrinthitis, and panic attacks sometimes make my nose run a bit and block my ears and trigger it. So the attack will pass and I'll be wondering why I still feel like I drank way too much :-/

17-04-14, 00:53
Yeah I cant stand having panic attacks. I last had one on tuesday and I felt lightheaded, I also had heart palpitations and was breathing heavily. I usually have them before/when/after I'm involved in social situations.

17-04-14, 02:18
I do! Just went to the store and i was so light headed and confused i couldnt wait to get home, also the visual snow i have gotten worse ugh!!! Now my head hurts!!!

17-04-14, 19:46
I'm so dizzy! Feel like I might pass out/die. I hate this. Anyone else get like this during panic, the EXTREME lightheadedness? It's been about 40 minutes now :-(


I think we can all probably relate to this at some stage. I went through a stage where it was daily, and I mean, daily 24/7. Was lightheaded when I woke up and light headed during the day. It would induce panic attacks which would fuel cortisol and adrenaline through my veins which then increased my heart rate which in turn increased blood pressure and then got more dizzy.

Now, you should try something that I tried and got some pretty quick results from. The next time you feel lightheaded, first, acknowledge that it is caused by anxiety, not a cardiac or brain problem. Then, ask for more, yes, ask for the lightheaded feeling to get worse almost talk to it like it was a person. I say something along the line of "what, is that the worst dizzy feeling you can do? I can take this, it's nothing!" I learned this from a psychologist and what it does is puts you in an "accepting" state which changes your physiology and you're now in control, not the anxiety.

Once you start to feel its at it's peak, it can only come down, you feel more relaxed that you know nothing bad will happen and that you're in control of this. Your symptoms will soon fade! :)

good luck,


17-04-14, 21:08
Freaked I know exactly what you mean I have dizzyness almost everyday and with or without a panic attack ,I just learnt to cope with it now xx

Thanks jayware33 I will give that a try ,I try anything once lol x :D

16-05-14, 16:30

I think we can all probably relate to this at some stage. I went through a stage where it was daily, and I mean, daily 24/7. Was lightheaded when I woke up and light headed during the day. It would induce panic attacks which would fuel cortisol and adrenaline through my veins which then increased my heart rate which in turn increased blood pressure and then got more dizzy.

Now, you should try something that I tried and got some pretty quick results from. The next time you feel lightheaded, first, acknowledge that it is caused by anxiety, not a cardiac or brain problem. Then, ask for more, yes, ask for the lightheaded feeling to get worse almost talk to it like it was a person. I say something along the line of "what, is that the worst dizzy feeling you can do? I can take this, it's nothing!" I learned this from a psychologist and what it does is puts you in an "accepting" state which changes your physiology and you're now in control, not the anxiety.

Once you start to feel its at it's peak, it can only come down, you feel more relaxed that you know nothing bad will happen and that you're in control of this. Your symptoms will soon fade! :)

good luck,


You know, I read about this somewhere else, that when the symptoms start hitting you, purposely make them worse. If your hands are shaking, make them shake more. If you feel lightheaded, dare yourself to become even dizzier.

I personally haven't tried any of this yet because my attacks lately (and I have no idea why) having been coming while I'm driving. So to keep from getting even dizzier and ending up in an accident, I fight it. And it seems the more I fight it, the worse it gets.

18-05-14, 12:24
Yes. I can be dizzy not feel anxious. Feel anxious and dizzy. It's horrible. And it's so difficult to explain to others around you. I think sometimes people think I make it up. I'm often banging into doors, tables. Recently I discovered I get a lot of post nasal drip and this affects my sinus/ears. When I have a facial steam it relieves it but also calms me down. Maybe that's worth a try. I guess hyperventilating exasperates the dizziness too. Sometimes I can't drive either when it gets bad. Planning days out always difficult!