View Full Version : is there any relief for VISUAL SNOW ???

16-04-14, 22:46
Its getting awful! i just cant take it anymore!!!!!!!


17-04-14, 02:46
Did you go to the eye doctor? There is nothing you can do about visual snow unfortunately. Are you sure it's snow and not floaters?

17-04-14, 08:53
No i havent yet! I really need to. no im not sure, what is the difference?

17-04-14, 10:52
Floaters are those annoying but harmless little things you see floating in your vision. They can look like dots or squiggles. They are best seen against a monochromatic background like the sky. Visual snow is like the snow you see on a TV. An eye doctor can see floaters but not visual snow. Both are harmless and there is no treatment. If it's floaters they will seem to improve with time because your brain will learn to ignore them.

17-04-14, 19:31
O ok, well im starting to think its floaters, they make my anxisety worse cause they scare me sometimes when there really bad!!

18-04-14, 02:40
It's okay most people get them. I have them. Annoying at times but no big deal.

18-04-14, 04:52
Eve, has this always been the case for you, the visual snow? With my med, it was a side effect and went away at around 4 weeks. Hang in there!
Marie xx
I have noticed people on this site have also referred to it as 'lightheadedness', 'fuzzy head' and 'fuzzy brain'. Pretty much always in conjuction with early treatment with ADs. I may have also seen it talked about a couple of times as an anxiety symptom. It truly should go away! in my experience, floaters are like tiny dark snags that move around when you blink. They can sometimes interfere with reading a bit when they 'float' in front of your pupils.

18-04-14, 09:32
I get the VS, it comes with anxiety and goes with anxiety. Definitely not floaters the description of VS is bang on for me.

Frankly I find the VS forum similar to the BFS forum: full of people with anxiety but who would rather not admit it.

18-04-14, 13:06
Well now im confused because i always seen these little things floating in my eye sight but as my anxiety has gotten at its worse over the few months its gotten worse! To the point were im seeing all kinds of little thing! Also its worse in the morning and against white and at night car lights are awful!! I make sure im home before dark!!

Worried 24/7
18-04-14, 15:09
I see things in my vision too. Do you have astigmatism? I do and my eye doctor aaid people with that will see all the floaty things that people with normal eyesight dont. Its probably a good idea to go see an eye doctor, he could ease your worries :-) sometimes I see what looks like a squiggly line floating upward in my vision. He said astigmatism causes that too