View Full Version : So convinced I'm going to die tonight

16-04-14, 23:06
I honestly don't know what to do anymore. I'm so tearful and literally falling apart, because I know I'm dying and nobody will listen or believe me. I genuinely feel so, so ill and today I've been so exhausted, like my whole body feels dead and hard to move and my eyes are ridiculously sore and all day it's been a fight to keep them open and not fall asleep. I slept like 9 hours last night, yet I swear my eyes have never felt this tired in my life. I was tucking my nephew and niece up in bed earlier and I was so jealous of them being able to tuck up and go to sleep. Like, it feels like a tiredness that I'm not in control of. I'm scared that it's not actually tiredness, and it's actually my body wanting to sleep so it can die. Maybe this felling isn't actually tiredness and it's death. It's so severe that it feels way more than tiredness. Like, I just know in my head and my heart that I'm going to die. Even when I'm not worrying I feel so, so ill and tonight I keep getting this awful ache going from my neck down my arm. It's so unbearable and makes me feel sick. It's happened list before lately too. I constantly keep going hot and cold and feel so sicky. I'm so irritable too and have this sicky, heavy feeling in my neck and head and when anybody talks to me, moving my head to look at them makes me feel like I'm going to throw up or something. I'm worried about my heart because of my pulse going from low to high in a matter of seconds, all of the time, even when I'm sat still. Today one minute it's 60 and the next it's 95! Whenever I move it goes really high and I get so out of breath and faint. How am I supposed to risk sleeping tonight if I'm going to die? :( I don't know how to plan things for tomorrow because I know I'm not going to make it.

16-04-14, 23:18
I know the feeling your having and I think about it every time I go to bed some nights I sleep downstairs as ive tried to stay awake which makes the next day even worse.
Your not going to die tonight right now im listening to music to keep occupied give it a try and you might just dose off thats what I do and ive been panicking all day.

17-04-14, 00:24
Did something happen to trigger your anxiety??

17-04-14, 04:02
You need to find a way to relax. You sound really overwhelmed and scared, which is ok! You are going to be just fine! Do you pray? If so, sit down and talk to God, tell him how you are feeling. Talking with God and laying it out there helps me calm down some. After that, take a relaxing hot shower/bath then lay down on your couch and watch a funny movie you enjoy. Try and distract yourself. *hugs*

17-04-14, 04:35
I've been there. Totally. Even the "super tired this isn't right" feelings. Heck I've been there so many times I don't have enough appendages to count it. Infact the first real panic attack I had felt like this.

Sleep is really really really really really important when it comes to anxiety. It really hurts when the anxiety is centered around sleep too. Anxiety especially when it flairs up takes so damn much out of you. It exhausts you in a way you might not even realize.

I've been many times in a position where I'm too tired to sleep. Only lately (6 months) have I been plagued with weird sleep disturbances. It sucks, I love my sleep. A way I look at it, is I've fell asleep so many damn times in my life and haven't died, that must count for something.. right?

Unfortunately and fortunately you're going to have to give in to sleeping. Just try and reassure yourself that it isn't death you're falling into, just good ol fashion sleep.

20-04-14, 10:49
How are you feeling Chloe?

20-04-14, 12:28
I sympathise with you so much. I am in the middle of a mental breakdown over breathing difficulties and bone paon, nobody will believe me and I spend everyday in ment torture knowing I'm going to die when I could be treated. I hate life at the minute I don't know how I am making it to the next day. Big hugs x