View Full Version : Stomach cramps supplements or not

17-04-14, 08:08
I've had stomach cramps and the runs for a few days now. I knocked off my omoprazole to see if that was causing it but its still happening.
The only other thing I've been taking is a magnesium supplement. Could this be causing my stomach problems? I've been taking it at night for sleep. Last night my tummy as feeling a bit better but within half an hour of having the tablet my lower tummy started cramping again and I had to go to the toilet. My stools are very runny.
I don't know what else it could be. Maybe a bug but it seems to get better in the evening and I have it most if the night and up till after lunch.

17-04-14, 08:33
Yes, it can cause stomach upsets, vomiting and diarrhoea in some people.

I wonder whether its a dosage thing? I've never taken them but do they come in various strengths, slow release, etc.

Hopefully someone else who had taken them will know.

17-04-14, 09:06
I don't ever remember having a problem when I took them a couple of years back :( they're magnesium oxide 300mg

17-04-14, 09:33
Yes, it certainly can. I take magnesium citrate 100mg, one in the morning and one at night. Your dosage could be too high. Magnesium is used as a laxative, so yes, it's possible it is causing you problems. I was told to take my supplement to bowel tolerance which means until you get the runs, then ease off. If it gives you the runs it means you're getting more than you need.

17-04-14, 09:54
They're just bog standard supermarket magnesium. Maybe I'm not deficient at all :/ maybe I have too much magnesium already but i can't see how.
Like I say I've taken them in the past and never had a problem :/

---------- Post added at 09:54 ---------- Previous post was at 09:50 ----------

Maybe its taking at bedtime on an emptying stomach that's the problem. I used to take them in the morning with my breakfast. But because they're good for sleep I thought is try them at night. Maybe my tummy being empty in the night is causing problems too.

17-04-14, 11:08
It could be that you're not absorbing them properly. Try taking with digestive enzymes.