View Full Version : BUMS and REACHING

04-12-06, 10:07
Hi everyone.The last week I have been feeling really anxious,Im really trying with the breathing ect.I have this problem which is I keep feeling sicky and then I feel like I want to be sick and I keep reaching.I know its nerves but does anyone else get this.Its like having a nervous feeling in my throat,if that makes any sense.
BUMS!!!!!![:I][:I]I also find with anxiety Im always clenching my bum[:I]
and then I suddenly realise Im doing it and relax,but its hard to relax it.Probably sounds flippin daft.[:o)]Just want to know if its just me.

Ellen XX

04-12-06, 10:13
Hi Ellen,

No it doesn't sound daft. If only you know some of my coping technics lol. Your normal hun.

Take Care


04-12-06, 10:36
Morning Ellen,

I too have that retching problem, normally first thing in the morning but sporadically through the day too.

You feel like you want/need to be sick but there's often nothing to purge?

Can't say I get the but-clenches but even if it is a part of your anxiety, think how well toned your arse will be! Buns of steel!!:D

Happiness and light to all,

I saw her once, one little while, and then no more:
’Twas Eden’s light on Earth a while, and then no more.
Amid the throng she passed along the meadow-floor:
Spring seemed to smile on Earth awhile, and then no more;
But whence she came, which way she went, what garb she wore
I noted not; I gazed a while, and then no more!

James Clarence Mangan 1803 - 1849

04-12-06, 10:56
Better your bum then other muscles that would leave them really achy later.
Probably will give you a nice set later on from all the exercise they are getting - lol

04-12-06, 12:54
HI Ellen,

Your not on your own, i get this feeling also, the sickly feeling is awful, i find chewing mints helps, as for the Bum, i think every part of my body goes tence when im anxiuos, never thought it could be doing my figure good, i geuss its like exercise like those pelvic floor muscles i had to do after giving birth ! Hasnt done much for my BUM though ! Its still BIG !lol



"If you have a worry turn it into a problem, you cant solve worrys but you can solve problems"

04-12-06, 12:57

Big's good!;)

Happiness and light to all,

I saw her once, one little while, and then no more:
’Twas Eden’s light on Earth a while, and then no more.
Amid the throng she passed along the meadow-floor:
Spring seemed to smile on Earth awhile, and then no more;
But whence she came, which way she went, what garb she wore
I noted not; I gazed a while, and then no more!

James Clarence Mangan 1803 - 1849

04-12-06, 13:44
Thanks everyone,never thought of it like that,I must quite a tight butt.God that sounds rude.[:I]

Ellen XX

04-12-06, 13:51
A positive about anxiety....it might leave you with a nice tight bum :D:D:D:D:D

I will make sure next time I am anxious my bum is firmly clenched!! lol

04-12-06, 14:53
You girls will be cracking walnuts by Xmas!;)

Happiness and light to all,

I saw her once, one little while, and then no more:
’Twas Eden’s light on Earth a while, and then no more.
Amid the throng she passed along the meadow-floor:
Spring seemed to smile on Earth awhile, and then no more;
But whence she came, which way she went, what garb she wore
I noted not; I gazed a while, and then no more!

James Clarence Mangan 1803 - 1849

04-12-06, 16:21
Hi Ellen

I used to get the retching really bad when anxious I found in a funny way it helped maybe it distracts you i dont really know!!

Cant comment on the bum thing tho lol:D:D:D

Take care

Luv Kaz x x x

04-12-06, 19:57
I get the retching too, usually just in the morning though.
Kinda could do with the butt clenching! It's kinda moving towards the backs of my knees at the mo! :D
I do some odd things too though, don't worry! It is probably more noticeable to you than anyone else.

One silver lining in my cloud of anxiety is that I have lost a stone in weight! Boy was it needed!

Happyone :D

04-12-06, 20:43
Well done happyone on the wieght loss.I lost a stone last year and have managed to keep it off.[Yeah!][:P]

Ellen XX