View Full Version : Cant eat :(

17-04-14, 12:28
Im on day 3 of Citalopram 10mg ! Just spent 3 weeks going totally bonkers on prozac - doctor has taken me off, thank god. Ive lost loads of weight and my appetite is non existent

Ive got diazepam too - massive help with the anxiety - kinda a walking zombie at the moment though!

Feeling ok ish today but I just cant seem to eat. Even the thought of food makes me gag...literally

Starting to feel as if im wasting away. It cant be good taking these tablets and having no food inside me.

Ive had a weetabix on the go drink today. and managed half a one yesterday.

Is this normal with Cit? Or is it just the prozac pickle I had got myself into killed my appetite?

17-04-14, 13:06
Hi k1

Day 4 for me and I can't eat either. I rang my Dr yesterday about it, amongst other things, and she said not to worry it will get better very soon. I did manage some plain yoghurt earlier plus a nice wedge of melon. I have tins of soup am going to just make half of one in a minute.

Just rest and take plenty of fluids. Hope it passes soon.

Lisa x

17-04-14, 13:22
I found eating ice lollies helped me get back into eating.. Experiment with different foods, when I was bad I used to live off penny sweets and ice lollies lol. But it worked, took a couple of weeks but it worked

17-04-14, 13:36
Thank you Thank you.

Im so pleased I have found this forum. The doctor never told me about what awful side effects I could have.

Im quite a small person and although I've not weighed myself I know I've lost a hell of a lot of weight over the last few weeks.

I snuck up the shop today in a hoody (wish it was raining, just couldn't deal with bumping into anyone I know) In the hope they had cans of Nourishment.. I used that before years and years ago when my appetite vanished..but its a bit too posh around here for that.. Ive stocked up on milkshake and Weetabix drinks..

Honestly its got so bad that I tried to eat a banana and I couldn't even swallow a mouthful.

I have just read your diary Cloudbusting.. keep me posted on how your getting on.. Im only a day behind you - and totally petrified the side effects will be like the prozac ones and it sounds you are adjusting to the cit pretty well :)

When I can brave the shop again I will stock up on sweets and lollies.. gotta be better than nothing ;)

17-04-14, 16:01
Absolutely, just manage what you can. Half a tin of soup for me and three crackers ! Woo hoo !
I also had some warm milk earlier with a little honey, I used to give that to my daughter when she was smaller and off her food.
It's pretty tough going isn't it ?! :/
Lisa x

17-04-14, 16:06

Maybe be a bit careful of eating too much sugar... it can give you a terrible sugar rush which makes you more anxious. When I wasn't eating my mum would buy me bags of mixed nuts, fruit and chocolate chips... kept my energy levels up.

17-04-14, 19:09
Thanks Sara. I just cant stomach anything.. its horrible because I know I need to ewt but physically I csnnot.