View Full Version : Lymphoma fear

17-04-14, 17:49
Please can somebody help me / give me some advice.

Yesterday while rubbing my neck I noticed a hard lump under my right earlobe near my jaw. I stupidly googled and found page after page about cancer. What made it worse was that this lump is hard and doesn't move (sign of malignancy) I went to my doctor today she wasn't mch help just measured it and said keep an eye on it

Really really worried I'm only 19 :( please someone repł

17-04-14, 18:20
If you've been to your gp you need to trust him and just keep an eye, which doesn't mean prodding it ever 5 minutes like I would do! Check it tomorrow evening, keep an eye for a week and if it gets bigger go back to your gp. You know it's unlikely to be cancer and much more likely to be your lymph nodes fighting an infection x

17-04-14, 19:00
Hello and than you for your reply , I would happily believe it was my lymph node fighting an infection if it wasn't for the fact this thing is SOLiD and doesn't move at all :(

17-04-14, 19:51
My friend had a lymph node behind her ear a few years and asked me to feel it, hard and immovable, she said "hmm" ( I wish I could just hmmm at symptoms" she went to her gp who said to keep an eye on it, it's a lymph node. It's gone and she's alive and healthy :)

17-04-14, 20:21
My friend had a lymph node behind her ear a few years and asked me to feel it, hard and immovable, she said "hmm" ( I wish I could just hmmm at symptoms" she went to her gp who said to keep an eye on it, it's a lymph node. It's gone and she's alive and healthy :)

Again , thank you for taking the time to reply. You did just put a smile on my face. I hope I'm as lucky as your friend! I blame google however because according to all the websites I've come accross solid and immovable = cancer. So as you can imagine as a hypochondriac the panic attack shortly followed then came the water works

17-04-14, 20:35
I know, I'm currently worrying about a small immovable bony lump near the front upper of my ear, seeing a dr Tuesday, I'm hoping it's just bony tissue or something. Google is evil, I had a skin cancer fear, asymmetric, multiple coloured moles = cancer according to dr google, but to a trained dermatologist and 2 dr sits fine, I'm going to believe them :) xxx

17-04-14, 21:35
I agree de google is very evil. I've been pressing this lump so much today I've actually bruised my skin ! It's all I seem to be doing ! Crying , touching this lump and searching on google ! I just want it to disappear or ATLEAST shrink :( and I hope your fine I'm sure the lump is nothing. ( wish I could tell myself that )