View Full Version : knee troubles/DVT fear

17-04-14, 18:32
Hi everyone. I've been worrying about having a blood clot for a few days so this morning I waited two hours to see a DR on the day.

We've talked about my anxiety and I am re-starting CBT next month. I'm going to go with a much more open mind and hope that it will go somewhere to help me from this basically living nightmare.

Anyway, stupidly I never told him I was worried about clots. I told him I had a pain in my knee, the sides and the back of my knee which basically spread everywhere else. It goes into my thigh and calf, shin, ankle and foot. It sometimes gets painful and feels very deep.

He looked at my legs and moved them around and says I have bruised a knee muscle. I didn't argue or question it , just accepted it by now my mind is wondering how on earth a knee muscle injury can radiate through my shin calf thigh foot and ankle.

Has anyone experienced knee pain that does this? I'm very anxious about a DVT followed by a PE, I didnt want to mention my fears just let him do his job but now I wish I'd said something, I cant concerntrate on anything else but my leg pain.

I am just waiting to suddenly collapse from PE. It's very frightening, I cant imagine knee pain spreading to all these different areas. I just feel frustrated and scared, and just looking for some advice of how to let go of these DVT fears. Thankyou all x

17-04-14, 18:37
All I can say is I've not experienced this, but I have a friend who has had a blood clot and let me tell you very painful and the doctors are good at finding them and she wasn't a bit worried at all going through it the doctors kept a close eye on it and she is now fine. Actually I was losing it way more when I found out about it.

17-04-14, 19:40
I haven't experienced this either but about ten years ago my girlfriend at the time had back pain over night and in the morning it had got so bad that she decided to go to the Drs. I was a tower at the time so used to leave the house at 6am on a Saturday to train. When I got back at 1pm there was a message waiting for me and she had been rushed to hospital with a suspected PE. It wasn't one incidentally.

My point is that if a doctor was in the slightest bit worried then you would be in hospital now. You have to get to the point where you can trust their judgement otherwise you will just be chasing your tail.

17-04-14, 20:01
I know you're right CPE, I just can't get these terrifying thoughts of suddenly dropping down dead out of my mind :(

17-04-14, 20:47
Then don't try. Not as crazy as it sounds, but sit with them, don't react to them just let them wash over you however horrible they feel. It is incredible how quickly your brain gets bored if you just sit with the same recurring thoughts without a reaction.

You can't stop the thoughts but you can alter the reaction.

17-04-14, 23:15
I'm trying very hard. I've been decorating my kitchen and started to feel like I didnt have DVT my leg didnt particularly hurt and everything was good.

Now I've sat down and my knee and thigh are off again and the thoughts are back. This is so so difficult especially as I've been having breathing problems for the past week, I automatically go to a PE.

It makes sense that my knee is the issue, its very tender bat the side. I'm just having DVT thoughts going through my mind, or now leukemia as the pain feels like coming fr the bone.

I long for the day I wake up feeling good. Life is looking very gloomy at the minute, I just want to feel well and stop being scared all the time.

17-04-14, 23:21
Roxy, it sounds like the distraction of working on your kitchen helped you to get the knee pain off of your mind. Distraction can work wonders when we keep ourselves busy. Is there possibly one project that you could choose every day for the next week. That would be a great accomplishment and quite a victory.

Chris is right when he says that you have to learn to trust your doctors and any tests that they run. Acceptance and trust is a big deal when dealing with HA. Try to keep telling yourself that it's just a bruised knee. Believe that and all will be well.

18-04-14, 00:27
Thank you Tanner.
I can't believe I've got mysel in such a panicky mess. I'm going to try my hardest tommorow as a fresh new day with (hopefully) minimal panic.

My fear is that not worrying means something may catch me off guard, or I may ignore serious symptoms in an attempt not worry. Is this normal?

Its the most frustrating part, feeling though as not worrying will mean something will definitely happen.

Worried 24/7
18-04-14, 01:48
I feel the same way about worrying.in scared if I don't worry I'll overlook a serious problem. My husband saw a picture recently that said when you worry about tomorrow, you Rob yourself of today. I think that it ls so true.

18-04-14, 08:31
That is so true.

I'm in my first hour of my 'fresh ' day woke up to thigh and foot pain. This is seriously going to be difficult, I'm struggling yo understand why a bruised knee would cause these pains everywhere else :(

18-04-14, 12:12
Roxy, it's a brand new day, even though it may have started like the same old, same old. What is your project for today? What task or fun activity are you going to give yourself to distract yourself from the pain? You will feel so much better once you do something like this. Think of how good you felt after the kitchen yesterday. A little pain can't get you down, only your thoughts and attitudes can do that for you. Chin up, you can do this!

18-04-14, 15:06
Oh its gone terribly. Everything I've tried to distract myself with has failed this pain is taking over my life. My knee feels very tight its painful at the side and back. I'm getting stabbing pain in my foot shin and ankle. I'm torturing myself with thoughts of DVT and I dont I can't stop.

How can I stop worrying about something that could pontetially kill me?x

18-04-14, 15:19
How can I stop worrying about something that could pontetially kill me?x

By recognizing and accepting you don't have the problem. This is a "fear", not a medical diagnosis nor risk of being diagnosed. It's a sore knee/leg.

Positive thoughts

18-04-14, 18:26
Oh you're so right it is most definitely a fear. I just feel like after all my research that this is what they feel like. Rationally I have bad pain when yhr side of my knee is pressed so it makes sense for it to be knee related

I just keep reading people who had my symptoms and have DVT and died.

---------- Post added at 18:26 ---------- Previous post was at 15:46 ----------

I've just had two sharp pains run straight through my chest. I've never been so frightened before I am so close to dialing 999 I can't calm down I'm sobbing I just don't want to die oh god. This is killing me :(

18-04-14, 22:15
Roxy, we're not doctors. We can do all of the "research" in the world and we still won't have a medical degree. It's a feeling of fear over "what could happen" that is driving you crazy about all of this. We could all get hit by a bus today, but if that happens I want to have lived my life.
Time to take hold of this situation. Get reassurance from your physician or hospital if that is what you need. BUT then believe the diagnosis that they give you.
In the meantime, try some deep, calming breaths. Write down all of the negative things that you are thinking. Take a good long look at them and see if you can see the lies in those thoughts
You're going to be just fine.

18-04-14, 23:37
I'm going to go to an OOH GP tommorow, I don't care what my family say my thigh is stinging I'm crying can't sleep can't do anything but think of DVT I wish I could go now because I'm too scared to sleep I'm going to die in the night or on the way to the hospital I am beyond frightened.

24-05-14, 21:02
How did you get on roxy ? X

24-05-14, 23:43
Hi Sadkel. I've stopped posting on the forums now but do occasionally browse but I would like to happily say I'M STILL ALIVE!!!!! which is a huge improvement on how I was feeling last month :)x