View Full Version : New Member - looking to help

17-04-14, 19:34

I'm John and I've been suffering with health anxiety for some years now, maybe around 10 years. I'm 26 and it started for me when I was playing football, running around too much and hyperventilated. Resulted in extreme dizziness and fell to the ground and ever since I've been afraid of my own body and sensations which of course, have manifested into a horrible anxiety thinking that I've got the worst case scenario of everything.

Anyways ... :) I've been living with this for some time now and have a lot of experience dealing with it and seen a number of psychologists ect so I'm looking to try and give back and help out other people who may have it a little worse than myself. I'm by no way immune to it, I will be asking for help on here too, no doubt at some stage!

Look forward to chatting to you all.


17-04-14, 22:05
Welcome to the site John :-]

18-04-14, 00:12
Welcome John! You'll find a great deal,of help here, and many folks that need to have the help that hopefully your past experiences can provide. Looking forward to hearing from you.

18-04-14, 13:43
Hi John, Welcome to NMP x

18-04-14, 17:07
Welcome:welcome: it's lovely to hear you will be giving back as well as asking for support..... it's always better to give than receive ...and it helps with anxiety too.....
