View Full Version : Sponsored walk for Crohns and colitis UK

17-04-14, 20:24
For the 3rd year Running I will be taking part in The Bluebell Walk at Rutland Water in Rutland on Saturday 4th May to raise money for a cause close to my heart.

The Walk is 5 miles through the gorgeous Rutland countryside, it is so called the bluebell walk because it passes through Barnsdale Woods which is carpeted in bluebells this time of year.

I do the walk with my sister, brother in law and their 5 children ranging from 3 to 17, so a 5 mile walk it quite a distance for the little ones but they usually do it with very little complaint.

We are walking for Crohns and Colitis UK. My brother in law has suffered from Colitis for many years now and has had to have operations because of it and the lovely Nicola Pinney (you may have heard of her) suffers from Crohns disease and she is one of my closest friends so the cause is very close to my heart.

Crohn's and Colitis UK is the working name for the National Association for Colitis and Crohn's Disease (NACC). Founded in 1979, the charity has been providing information and support, funding research and fighting for change by bringing together people of all ages who have been diagnosed with Inflammatory Bowel Disease, their families and friends, and the professionals involved in their care.

The reason I am posting this in the success stories is that a few months back I couldn't even leave the house without panicing severely and now I am back (hopefully) to my best and loving life again..... this walk would have been impossible for me a few months back.

I am not really posting to ask for your sponsorship BUT if you would like to donate to the cause then the charity and I (and my family) would be extremely grateful.... we have a just giving page.


17-04-14, 21:20
Good luck again Emmz. A worthy cause.

Who is this Nicola woman :winks:

17-04-14, 21:26
Who is this Nicola woman :winks:

Have you not heard of her?? She runs just about the best panic and anxiety forum on the planet and her admin team? well wow what can i say about them haha

And thank you xxx

18-04-14, 00:40
That's amazing! I too have crohn's and I think I am going to miss the annual walk I do every year. Good job! Hopefully I'll be were you are soon!!

Catherine S
18-04-14, 02:43
My brother suffers with crohns so I understand the need for getting this condition recognised, although I didn't realise our own Nicola suffered with this condition.

18-04-14, 11:29
My brother suffers with crohns so I understand the need for getting this condition recognised, although I didn't realise our own Nicola suffered with this condition.

Sadly I do ISB

Catherine S
18-04-14, 13:05
Hi Venus...don't know if you noticed it but May 3rd is the saturday, not 4th...and just been reading about the small earthquakes in Rutland so watch out for those :ohmy:


18-04-14, 14:44
Thank you ISB, that is my brain thinking one thing and my fingers typing the other :roflmao: *Sunday 4th May*

Yeah the epicentre was a half hour drive from my home. I heard yesterdays rather than felt it..... but todays was a little bit stronger and the earth moved for me :roflmao:

18-04-14, 14:45
That's amazing! I too have crohn's and I think I am going to miss the annual walk I do every year. Good job! Hopefully I'll be were you are soon!!

You will get there..... keep going forward and thinking positively :flowers:

18-04-14, 14:47
Sadly I do ISB

Ohhhhh you are Nicola!!

18-04-14, 16:44
phew just read the whole thread after going into mild panic about the date confusion and madly checking my wedding paperwork!

Remind me to sponsor you once I'm paid next week please thanks.


18-04-14, 17:26
I appologise for any panic my thread may have caused :D ;)

and I will try to remind you, thank you xx