View Full Version : Anxiety not sure if social or general or paraniod thoughts????

unicorn 0578
17-04-14, 22:10

I am not sure which caterogory my anxiety falls into but it is really horrible and I wondered if anyone had experienced similar or had any advice??

In a work situation I am assistant manager in a shop, this includes managing the shop once a week when the Manager is off and to cover holiday and sickness etc.

To cut a long story short, whenever I have to train someone new, meet new members of staff and generally work around people I don't know I become so anxious that I cannot function normally. (lack of concentration, feel panicky, hot flushes etc) but worse than that is the thought of how that person percieves me. I imagine them thinking horrible things about me like I am incompentent, useless, bad at my job, horrible. miserable etc etc and the more these thoughts go round in my head the more my ability to function is affected.

At the end of the day I re-play situations over and over in my head and torment myself about the things that I feel I have done wrong!!

I am also extremely nervous in unfamiliar places.

However when I am around my nearest and dearest I am much more relaxed.

Sorry to ramble on.... I don't want to leave my job....but feel I cannot go on like this.....help!!!!


18-04-14, 01:23
Hi Unicorn, are you seeing a therapist etc or taking medication to help with your anxiety ? If not then you could have a chat with your doctor and see what they can do for you :)

You sound very similar to me and I know how awful it is to feel this way.

At least when you near loved ones you feel much better and relaxed :hugs:

18-04-14, 01:27
Hi Unicorn,

It's sounds like Social Anxiety Disorder. Your confidence needs boosting as well as it always takes a knock from any anxiety disorder.

Has this come now or has it always been this way? If it's more recent, did something happen to make you think this way?

Have you seen your GP? It might be wise as they can refer you for therapy. Also, there is a free CBT course on here that will help you.

unicorn 0578
18-04-14, 18:44
Thanks for your replies.

Yes, I am taking medication. I take Pregalabin 450mgs a day. It seems to work well for me generally I feel calmer. it is just this situation of being in charge of new people and thinking that they are thinking badly of me.

I didn't realize that there was a CBT course on this site. I will definetly check that out.

I am off work now for a few days, but still worrying, which is really sad!!!

19-04-14, 01:35
This will be useful for you as well.

It concentrates on panic & Agoraphobia but a lot of this applies to all anxiety disorders and the exposure techniques would work for SA as well.


Aside from this, look towards ways of making yourself more comfident in yourself and confident in public e.g. joining clubs.

unicorn 0578
20-04-14, 00:09
Thanks very much for this. I have checked out the link and found it very relevant, especially the section about thought records and challenging how you think.

I have touched on this previously but needed the re-introduction to really make me challenge my unhelpful thinking.
