View Full Version : Hi All please read my story and symptoms!

17-04-14, 22:28
Hello everyone, I'm new here. First of all I hope everyone is feeling okay today?

Here's a bit about my self and my worries'
At 10 days old I had heart surgery after heart failure which was all fixed but was left with a slight murmur (which has never affected me) I also have Scoliosis (curvature of the spine) which in 2009 I had rods inserted. This year after annual extension operations I had them taken out.

Now turning to my anxiety... It was late 2013 and as everyone does I got a little bit depressed with the weather and not being able to do much. Then in one week I lost my 14 year old Labrador which had been with me since she was a pup which I was distraught about. 2 days before this our 6month puppy jumped off a bridge and had to have her leg amputated. This led to me feeling very down, confused and very upset leading up to Christmas.

Just before new year my great grandad was taken seriously Ill (he lived on until not too many weeks ago. But after his first stay in hospital i started getting extremely paranoid and worries about death and what happens etc and almost wanted to know what it felt like although I had no suicidal thoughts. Soon after this I seemed to have a blocked nose which just wouldn't go away. With this undeveloped a pain in my chest which felt like a muscle strain. I also felt like I couldn't take a full breath and often found myself needing to take a deep breath.

When I finally plucked up the courage to tell my mum we went to the doctors who believed that I had strained a muscle (I am an active person) and after a general assessment gave me the all clear. This didn't really convince me but I think I went a day or too with minimal pain/worries.

During all this I had my final major surgery on my spine. Therefore all bloods were checked and X-rays had been done and there were no concerns that may have been picked up. One morning in hospital I was left enclosed in the curtains with a used urine bottle next to me with no buzzer to call and in pain from my back. I then had an extreme pain on the left side of my chest and my heart was pounding. I had an ECG and everything was normal and everything seemed to settle down but the pain was still dull. This was 2 months after my symptoms first started and had convinced myself not to think about dying.

Symptoms continued for another month not getting any worse maybe slightly better infact? 2 weeks ago I noticed I had a constant headache so again being silly I checked google so I now had a 'brain tumour' the headaches have now calmed down and have pretty much disappeared.

Last week I went to see the heart team and had full heart scan ecg and Eco etc and said my cardiac, arteries were excellent and no abnormalities.

Quite recently whilst playing football I attempted an overhead volley (6 weeks after my spine op, not the best idea) no pain initially but a few days after I kept getting sharp pains in my shoulder blade so I searched google and surprise surprise the first thing that came up was the big lung C. So now I've convinced I may have this. The sharp shooting pain has died down a lot but can now feel a very tight pain in the top right of my torso and slightly down my side, in the past 2 days I have started getting a stabbing pain in the centre of my chest which lasts for a couple of seconds and then everything's ok, so now I'm very worried. I'm off to see the doctor Thursday just to have a check up. I have had no coughs but as many of you know once you read something that's it. So this is basically my story. Few other things I am quite a shy, nervous person at the best of times.

Thanks for reading, all the best, Lewis

17-04-14, 23:50
Small Dude, welcome to NMP. You're story is quite familiar to many of us. I'm sure sorry to hear about your dog and all of the other losses that you have endured over the last few years. Anxiety would be a normal reaction for someone predisposed to anxiety, after all you've been through.

What palms have you put in place to deal with your anxiety disorder? Getting together a game plan is extremely important.

I think that you will find a lot of support on here. Find some folks who have recovery and listen to the lessons that they've learned. You can get there.

17-04-14, 23:57
Hey, thanks for your response and kind words. I don't really have any game plans a such. I keep telling my self there is nothing wrong and even when I don't feel any need to be anxious i still have many symptoms such as having to take deep breaths/not being able to take a full breath, chest pain, abdominal pain etc. Although I do find when I'm occupied i tend not to notice anything as much but as soon as I stop its pretty full on again for what seems to be no apparent reason…

18-04-14, 00:04
Small Dude, come up with a plan. It's the only way. Relax through the symptoms and they will eventuallyngo away. There is a free online CBT course that helped me greatly. I made a plan to do deep breathing meditation for 30 minutes a day and also, to watch something funny every day. The periods of smiling and laughter really helped.

18-04-14, 21:31
Bump as posted very late last night

Catherine S
18-04-14, 22:27
I can't say I've been through all that you have, but I can relate to Scoliosis as I'm a sufferer too. Not bad enough for surgery but had to wear surgical corset until age 13 and every few years have to have injections at the orthopaedic hospital when the pain becomes bad. So sorry for your sadness and hope we can all help you through the bad times.


19-04-14, 13:52
I can't say I've been through all that you have, but I can relate to Scoliosis as I'm a sufferer too. Not bad enough for surgery but had to wear surgical corset until age 13 and every few years have to have injections at the orthopaedic hospital when the pain becomes bad. So sorry for your sadness and hope we can all help you through the bad times.


Thanks ISB, (is that birmingham)
i'll get through it but just never experienced anything like this so its a little scary but I'm making small steps and had lots of tests all coming back clear ! :)