View Full Version : Memory Problems

18-04-14, 01:17
It has been a while since I have written on this forum but over the last few months my anxiety seems to have got worse and is starting to concern me. In the last couple of weeks I have been feeling exhausted and now have the flu which is always a sign I am run down and stressed but the most concerning problem is my bad memory and poor concentration especially at work. It has been getting progressively worse and is now noticeable to other people as I sometimes cannot remember names and phone numbers and I mess up paperwork. I am on holiday at the moment but I am still have to write things down and remind myself to do things. I am taking 30mg citalopram for anxiety and understand that memory loss is a side effect of this medication as well.
I hope this will pass just like the other symptoms I have experienced over the last 5 years and any advice would be appreciated. :wacko:

18-04-14, 08:59
Have you been on it for 5 years ?

Hope you're enjoying your hols mate.

18-04-14, 13:09
No I have taken Citalopram for 3 years (I think!).

At least I am on holiday and the sun is out today :biggrin:

18-04-14, 14:02
Hi rcs, I write things down to remind myself too. Memory problems are common when we suffer from anxiety, not 100% sure but because our minds are all over the place or focusing on a worry or thought we may block out certain things in our minds.

Loss of concentration is a real problem for me sometimes with my anxiety, I suffer from GAD.

Of course, your medication may be doing this to you but it will pass eventually :)

Plus, at least you your off work when the weathers nice :shades: