View Full Version : Swollen and sore glands throughout body - glandular fever or the dreaded lymphoma?!

18-04-14, 01:56
Hello everyone
I've not had to post on here for years - I managed to get over my last major bout of HA by keeping busy and staying stable. However, I have stressful times at work and am moving house, so am more anxiety prone than usual. Just before Christmas I got a really bad attack of tonsillitis - never had it before, it was horrendous. I took antibiotics, it all seemed to get better, and then it recurred in January. Fast forward to now and I can definitely feel swollen and sore glands in my neck, throat, under my arms and in my groin. They ache constantly, but none are so large as to be alarming, I don't think. I don't have any other symptoms like night sweats or bruising or weight loss. Does this sound like glandular fever? Or something else? I'm really looking for reassurance that it's highly unlikely to be lymphoma. my huge internal anxiety is that I have very swollen internal glands that I just can't fee externally. Doctor has suggested antianxiety meds and a blood test for glandular fever.
Thank you in advance!

Catherine S
18-04-14, 02:04
You mention your doctor, who hasn't said it's anything serious...you don't trust your doctor to know what's normal or not normal?

18-04-14, 02:07
I do, but I didn't mention the swollen and painful glands to her because I had my two children with me, and they were not in a patient mood! I will, obviously, go back and see her next week to discuss this further.

Catherine S
18-04-14, 02:12
Ah, understand yes...small children and doctors don't mix! Yes, try to get a child free appointment if you can and see what the outcome is, but meantime try not to worry too much, all sounds fine to me from what you describe so far anyway.