View Full Version : Needing support & encouragement... Trying to hold extreme fear at bay...

18-04-14, 02:01
I've found one of the probable causes of my pain and I'm trying not to be terrified...

If anyone has a kind word, or personal experience, or anything else to share, please do share it.

I'm back to extreme anxiety again, even to the point of trembling. :weep:

This comes after dealing with pressure in my left flank for six weeks, then beginning to feel pain in that area, and in my upper left abdomen over the last week.


Here's the info I found. One of these must be the condition I'm dealing with, because the doctor ordered spinal x-rays and an abdominal ultrasound, both of which I had today:

When people think they're having kidney pain, they're usually talking about flank pain, which is pain in the back between the lowest rib and the buttock. And, while true kidney pain can be experienced in this area, pain in the flank does not necessarily mean it is coming from the kidney. Other causes of flank pain include muscle strain, degenerative disease of the lumbar spine, fracture or infection of the spine, shingles, and problems in the back of the pelvis.

The kidney can be painful from infection or injury. Infection of the kidney is known as pyelonephritis. This type of flank pain usually occurs on one side and is dull in character. Fever may be present along with other signs of urinary tract infection (UTI), such as bleeding or pus in the urine. It is also possible to have signs of a UTI without kidney pain in an infection of the lower urinary tract. Flank pain may also be felt when there is traumatic injury to the kidney.

Bleeding in the kidney, whether due to trauma or other conditions, is another cause of pain originating in the kidney. In addition to injury, bleeding disorders or blood clots can sometimes cause hemorrhage into the kidney.

Other possible, but less common, causes of kidney pain include polycystic kidney disease, horseshoe kidney (a congenital abnormality of the shape of the kidney), kidney cancer, blood clots in the veins from the kidneys (renal veins), and a lack of blood flow due to arteriosclerosis of the arteries to the kidneys (renal arteries).

Kidney stones are another common cause of flank pain, but this pain usually does not truly arise in the kidney. Rather, the pain of kidney stones most commonly develops because the stones block a portion of the urinary tract, usually the ureter that connects the kidney to the bladder. The pain from a kidney stone is usually sharp and severe and may come in waves. This is known as renal colic.

If you experience flank pain along with fever or blood in the urine, it is important to seek medical attention right away. You should also seek medical care if your flank pain is severe or is persistent or if you have signs of a urinary tract infection without flank pain.

Source: http://www.medicinenet.com/kidney_pain_symptoms_and_causes/views.htm

Catherine S
18-04-14, 02:17
Okay...your post makes me feel a whole lot better..not! And what the the hell is a flank? Makes me sound like a cow!

18-04-14, 02:22
Okay...your post makes me feel a whole lot better..not! And what the the hell is a flank? Makes me sound like a cow!

I know... I'm sorry. :(

My doctor said the pain could very well be posture-related, and he gave me firm instructions for holding my son differently.

But he also ordered tests to 'rule out' other things. So I did the tests today, and (just my luck) it's the night before a four-day holiday.

So the nervous wait for test results begins. :doh:

Catherine S
18-04-14, 02:27
Sorry it was a bad joke, I know you are worried but just try to take a deep breath. You know deep down that everything is okay...we all do really. Read my thread about our fears, it might make sense? Hey..enjoy your holiday...and that's an order, okay? Take care.

18-04-14, 02:54
No worries, I got the joke. And yeah, I feel the same way: I don't react well to my body being compared with that of a cow. :blush:

18-04-14, 09:32
I had flank pain in both sides, and blood in my urine for a spell about 2 months ago. No rhyme or reason for it, doctors weren't sure, but it cleared up and now my kidneys are all good. Any recent lifestyle changes that could be causing it? I had just moved 300 miles from home to start a new job, doc reckons it was maybe down to acute stress and change in water quality that upset my kidneys, and they protested for a bit.

18-04-14, 18:54
Thank you, Limey! Good question. I've had a trace of blood in my urine since January, but doctors were never concerned about it, since the amount was so low. Meanwhile, my discomfort (pressure) only began about six weeks ago, and the sharp pains I'm feeling are new, within the last week.

On occasion, my kidneys felt like they were in protest... it wasn't pain or pressure, it was a unique feeling that's hard to describe. It would last a minute or so, and then pass.

In terms of lifestyle changes, I added several natural medicinal items to my diet... For a while I took 0.5 tsp of cinnamon daily. I've also been drinking dandelion leaf tea and roasted dandelion root tea, fresh ginger tea, and fennel tea.

Stress-wise, a month ago my husband went overseas for several weeks, and I was 'on duty' 24-7 with our son, who's just over 1.5 years old. He has a difficult sleep pattern (he's sometimes up at 1 a.m.). Usually my husband and I take turns sleeping and looking after our son at those weird hours, so I got precious little sleep while my husband was away.

But I'm concerned that I've had a trace of blood in my urine since January, and I worry that the pressure in my kidneys, which now also includes pain, are due to some serious underlying cause.

By the way, Limey, do you still have trace amounts of blood in your urine, or has it disappeared completely?

18-04-14, 20:15
I was last tested early march, there was a slight trace, but haven't been tested since. Try taking cranberry supplements, I take one every morning since, and have no more issues. I also cut alcohol out for about a month too.

18-04-14, 20:23
Hi Bulan

I just want to say that I'm having exactly the same thing I only on my right side. The only thing I don't have is the trace of blood. But I am having problems fully emptying my bladder.

My gp also said to me it could be muscular and my osteo said it could be from poor rounded posture which I am very guilty of. The gp said the bladder issue is likely from mild prolapse.

But I'm not convinced. I'm feeling this pressure iny right flank and round to my back and at times it's painful. But not excruciating which isaking stones sound unlikely. I actually wish it was stones.

I'm very worried too. Gp has agrees to a renal ultrasound and referred me to a uro/gyn. I'm terrified I have some sort of tumour somewhere.

Sorry I can't erasure but just want you to know you are not alone in this issue.

19-04-14, 02:46
Thank you, LE. I'm sorry to hear about your symptoms, I know how worrisome this is. You'll keep us updated on your situation, I hope.

I did a little research and found that thyroid imbalances can impact the kidneys. So I'm looking into that too.

Meanwhile, I'm inundating my diet with a range of 'powerhouse' fruits, vegetables, teas, and so on. I figure it's worth a shot. :)

19-04-14, 03:26
So from what I gather, your doctor feels your pain is posture related but ordered tests for rule out any other issues. You're taken it upon yourself to self diagnose (Dr Google) possible more sinister issues and now you're more anxious?

I've had a kidney stone. I awoke around 2am with low back pain and couldn't urinate. I Googled the symptoms and it sure sounded like like a stone. Within a couple of hours I was curled up on my bed in a fetal position in more pain than I thought possible. I was close to calling 911 because there was no way I could drive. It lasted several more hours and add to that a full bladder and unbelievable pressure. Finally around 7am I passed the stone. I think they heard me scream the next county over! I went to the doctor the following day and he affirmed my suspicions based on my description. They say passing a kidney stone for a male is akin to giving birth. I don't know how big this thing was but I gained a whole new respect for women! I felt like I was hit by a truck for several days following.

Positive thoughts