View Full Version : Anxiety in Action

18-04-14, 03:55
My sister called me last week. Our parents are divorced and remarried for close to 30 years now and both have been quite ill and in the hospital. My sister is at wits end. Her anxiety is giving her fits. She called asking for my help as she's really struggling.

For me it's a challenge. A 4-5 hour trip is physically difficult for me due to my recovery from cancer. I typically work an 8 hour day, come home, grab a bite to eat and I'm in bed and asleep before 10pm. Fatigue is still one of the most difficult aspects of recovery. So my fiance' and I packed up, cat included, and drove 4.5 hours. I was toast by the time we got here. I slept badly as did she. The cat was restless as well.

I haven't seen my parents in over a year as treatment and recovery kept me from doing so. We visited my Mom for a while. It was very difficult. She's not in the best of shape having taken a fall 4 weeks ago. Her bloods were whacked and she had to have a transfusion to stabilize her. We were there when the medical team (physical and occupational therapists, nurses, doctors etc.) went over her case. She wants to go home so bad but she's no where near self sufficient enough to do so.

My mother has always had issues. Anxiety, depression and other psychological challenges. I recall her always being a bit "off" growing up. Now, I see it first hand as she struggles with anxiety. I see the fear, the uncertainty, the self doubt and the physical and mental effect is has on her. I could see it growing as the team spoke about her progress. Logically she does see the big picture but emotionally the anxiety cripples her. It tore me up seeing her this way :( I didn't know how seriously ill she was until today and the effects are obvious.
She refuses to take meds for anxiety which hinders her recovery physically. I begged her to ask for something to help her nerves but she's a stubborn old gal... I know where I get that trait from.

My father has been very ill for the last year and a half too. Medical issues, physical challenges and the like. We saw him today in rehab and he's actually doing well. He's never been one to get anxious and rather just goes with the flow but I see the frustration in losing some of his independence.

When you see your parents in such vulnerable situations, the reality of the inevitable becomes evident. My sister and I spoke about arranging help for my mother and her husband when she's discharged. Fortunately her husband is in a position financially to do so. They just can't do things on their own. Simple tasks like bathing, dressing and walking are a challenge. My father and his wife face the same dilemma but aren't as fortunate financially. My father's wife suffers terribly with anxiety and I saw it today while visiting her. She's at her limit emotionally and physically as she's not well either.

It's been a very stressful time for me as I'm not in a position to help as much as I would like. My fiance' may stay here for a week to help my sister. My parents adore her and it will be a good thing for everyone. And then there's me. I'm struggling with all this. Sleeping is difficult. I worry about them. I feel somewhat helpless and sad that my sister bears the brunt of the responsibility with me living so far away and my physical condition limiting how much I can do. With the long drive, lack of sleep and a very long day dealing with the realities of my parents conditions I'm burnt. Totally physically and emotionally drained.

On a positive, the CBT techniques in challenging the negative thoughts has paid dividends in projecting rationality and positive energy to my parents and seeing me managing things with strength and confidence gives them peace of mind....

Thanks for allowing me to ramble. I don't know what purpose this post serves other than perhaps a catharsis for me. Just writing about it helps. Now it's off to try and get some rest and strength for tomorrow.

Positive thoughts

18-04-14, 08:10
Bless you family aye I love my mum dearly but sometimes she drains me I have a brother whom she really adores got him self in a bit trouble ended up in prison my mum can't get her life together without him he as cared for her since my dad died in 2000 he been in prison since 2010 my turned 80 and my brother don't get of till 2016 hopefully if he don't I swear it will kill her and I don't no wat to do for either of them this as been a burden on me since 2010 and to be honest my anxiety. Panic an agoraphobia as been so bad since this time any way. That's all nothing to compare yr prob but just wanted you to no not to take it all on like I have its crippling. Take care xx

18-04-14, 17:44
Fishmanpa...you ramble away for as long as you like..... we are all thinking of you at this difficult time... you know to take as much rest as you can, when you can..

..and as you would say.... positive thoughts:)


18-04-14, 17:46
Fishmanpa, I wonder whether your mother's fears of meds may be rooted in the old ideas of generations past, where those with mental issues were hidden away and spoken of in hushed and frightened tones. The kinder folks would say, well, you know, she's a bit high-strung. Just be kind. Meds were absolutely zombifying back then, and there was no real hope of recovery from things like extreme anxiety. I dragged my feet a lot when seeking medical help and only just these past few years, because of bad experiences with old meds I was given in the 1970s as a teen. Maybe a kindly psychiatrist or a favorite doctor there can take the time to reassure her that, once the side effects are gotten past, there are good meds these days that can help to manage her uncomfortable anxiety and yet let her feel normal. If, as you say, the anxiety is hindering her physical recovery and return home, this needs to be explained to her, right? Paired with reassurance from the doctors and nurses that anti-anxiety meds can help with this. She must be getting depressed from all this, poor lady! ... All the best to you all, sounds like your fiance is a doll, and you have a pretty functional family despite the remarriages :)

19-04-14, 14:40
Good Morning Fishmanpa! Hopefully this day finds you a bit more rested. You don't have to tell me how tiring and emotionally draining it can be to watch your parents get older, less independent and to bear a piece of the responsibility for caring for them. It is nothing but a tough situation.

The best thing that you can do is to take care of yourself and try to find a way to support your sister. Eat right and get as much rest as you possibly can. Your recovery still has to come first. You've told me many times that if I didn't Take care of myself, I wouldn't be any use to my family. The same applies to you, my friend.

Glad to hear that your fiancee is going to stay and help out for a week or so. I know that will make you feel better. You're doing the best that you can but a situation like this will always make you feel vulnerable and a bit saddened. You hang in there, you hear.

19-04-14, 21:41
Hi Fishmanpa. So sorry to hear about your family problems. Making the transition from being the child to be the parent to our parents is so heartbreaking because inevitably it comes with the added burden of illness and watching our parents suffer just trying to live day by day as best they can. It doesn't help either if we don't live nearby. I am an only child and my father died 4 years ago and my Mum is still grieving. I too get in from working an 8 hour day and feel like I am pulled each and every way trying to fit everything in but I haven't got the added burden of a major illness to cope with either so my heart goes out to you as I can't imagine how helpless and weary you must be feeling. I notice from a post the other day that you said you were coming on here less and less and that made me sad as you are the one that people have come to rely on on this forum but we must appreciate that you must need a break to take time out to concentrate on you alone for a change. I hope you get some restful sleep and some much needed support from your lovely lady...take care of yourself and we are all here for you on here..you still signed off your post on a positive note despite what you are feeling...as ever, you're an inspiration. Love and positive thoughts to you Fishmanpa. X

19-04-14, 21:52
Well... we're home. A very long couple of days but there's no place like home.
My Dad is doing well. He'll be home in a week I'm sure. My Mom is another story. I was there for the meeting with the doctors, therapists and nurses and she's not ready and won't be for a while. This makes her anxiety go through the roof and depression as well. In one breath she's saying she's going home and yet she barely can sit up in bed! It's good that I was there because my sister gets stressed and let's her get under her skin. Me on the other hand?... She can't pull the "Mom guilt trip crap"... I've been there and done that as I fought cancer and was in worse shape than she is now so I know, and she knows I know. When I tell it like it is, she resigns to the facts. It's like dealing with a child to be honest. She's like "I want to go home. They can't keep me here." I respond with... "Ok Mom... get up and walk out"... Then I get the "look" ~lol~

Anyway... it was good to get up there, help my sister and see my family. We even had dinner with my daughter. My fiance' didn't stay as both parents are still in the hospital for a week. Between me, my sister and my step siblings, we've arranged help for them when they're discharged so that helps put my mind at ease.

I'm exhausted as I drove over 800 miles and spent 10-12 hour days running back and forth but I'll be Ok. I feel better knowing what's going on. Surprisingly, my stress levels were Ok overall considering everything. The only thing that's really on my mind is being so far away. My daughter asked me about that too. I've made the Shenandoah Valley my home since '05. Being closer to my family is something I seriously have to consider at this point. No pressure, but I'll be looking into options in the future.

Positive thoughts