View Full Version : Happy yet not to be here :)

18-04-14, 05:50
I have been suffering from panic attacks for years :( They seem to come and go and right now they are coming with a fierce force. I have to go back to the doctor once again to tell her how the medicine is no longer working, as usual, and beg her to please give me xanax as that is the only thing that seems to have ever helped me.

I don't know if anyone has ever heard of reborn dolls? I buy these because they give me a sense of calm most of the time. But when the attacks get to where they are now, there's nothing that helps. Sometimes I feel like I have the most severe case ever. I know I'm not though so I'm glad to be here with other people who can empathize and talk with me.

18-04-14, 07:11
Welcome to the site :-]

18-04-14, 10:46
Hi :welcome: to the site

18-04-14, 17:19
Hi there! You're in the right place! :D

18-04-14, 17:24