View Full Version : Starting a new job with poor sick record

18-04-14, 18:42
Hi everyone,

I have been off work nearly 2 months because of stress and anxiety caused by work. I have been fortunate that I have managed to find new employment. Im worried about the new employers reaction to my poor sickness record and if they can take any action on it?

Any advise would be appreciated!

18-04-14, 18:46
Hey, If you have secured yourself a new job, your new employers can't take action based on your past with a previous employer- they can decide not to give you the job if they knew before hand though. Anxiety is a serious illness and if you were signed off work by a doctor than that is your protection from it. Of course, if you start not showing up with no genuine reason or medical certificate to say you're ill, then yes they could most likely take steps to dismiss you. My mum has just recently resigned from her job due to stress and anxiety, she's actively searching for a part-time role instead. She's been in this situation before she left her last job and it never stopped her from getting more work.

18-04-14, 19:25
Hi, thank you for your reply, the have offered my the job and I have accepted and also resigned from my current post. The new employer hasnt asked anything about sick leave. Im just scared of the high number of sick days that are going to be on my record when they ask for it in the future

18-04-14, 19:51
whats the past is the past. You have to be given a chance and a fresh slate to keep moving forward. It would be total discrimination if you were to be totally judged on your past illnesses. It happens to the best of us unfortunately. Good luck in your new job :)

19-04-14, 01:41
This is what they can use references for but I would expect your new employer to have asked you about your lasr 12-14 months sickness anyway. If you lie about it prior to becoming employed by the new company and they find out from your references or any other source, they can take action. Given they have been lax in asking anything about this, it's very likely they won't be bothering with it in any reference or a reference check at all...many don't bother.

It certainly cannot be added to your record with the new company if they have no connection.

22-04-14, 19:23
Thanx for your help :)

They have asked in my references for the number of sick days I have had off, and my employer has supplied them with this. So i expect to get a call from them tomorrow about it, and i will be honest with them about it.

Im just concerned that they may withdraw the job offer as the contract hasnt been done yet?

23-04-14, 13:45
I hope they will be sympathetic toward you and make good on the job offer.

Did you go back to work successfully after a 2-month break, or take 2 months off in total? The former would be viewed more favourably, as you can explain that it was a one-off and you are much better now. In either case, I would stress to them what aspect of the job it was you couldn't cope with, and how this new job is different. Good luck x