View Full Version : What a tattoo feel like getting done?

18-04-14, 20:48
Sorry if this is in the wrong section! I'm pretty secure with my panic attacks now, I still get them but can deal with a lot of the time. Anyhoo, I am booked in for a tattoo on my wrist in 5 days time (a memorial to my wee cat that died recently) and would just like a general idea of how a tattoo felt for you getting done? In particular if it was on your wrist. thanks!

18-04-14, 20:51
Have a big bumble bee on rear so can't answer about wrist but mine didnt hurt, mind you it was over 30 years ago so maybe better now, go for it I love them.

18-04-14, 21:18
Dont know about your wrist my is on my back ouch it hurt I suppose it depends on what you get xx

18-04-14, 23:19
I'm pretty well decorated (I don't even know how many I've got without getting up and doing a countdown XD) I have one on the underside of my wrist and found it one of the easier spots, no worse than a cat scratch just constant, you're nerve endings numb off after a few minutes anyway on small pieces :)

My worst so far (bizarrely considering the amount of padding in the area) was on my stomach...! Wrist was nice and easy by comparison :)

19-04-14, 00:04
Of all my friends everyone says something completely different! Kaned/didn't feel it/hurt abit/this one hurt but this one didn't/fainted/tickle a bit/hurt after/didn't hurt after

Just like vaccinations really.

19-04-14, 02:31
Everyone is different. I have some ink. I have a cool tribal piece on my right arm (deltoid area). It didn't hurt really. I also have a rather elaborate piece on my lower left leg all the way around (about 12 hours of work total). That one smarted (especially the calf muscle area) but as they say... it was a good hurt ;)

I'm thinking of getting one more...

Positive thoughts

19-04-14, 07:39
I agree, it depends on the person. Some people hardly feel it ( like me ) and some massive bodybuilder types faint having even a small one done in easy places.

As a general rule though, it will hurt more in areas where there are more nerve endings, so any area you are ticklish will hurt more than others. I have quite a few, including one from my shoulder blade to my waist, and the only part I can really say hurt was on top of my ribs ( where I am mega ticklish ! ).

Normally wrists and arms are pretty easy though

19-04-14, 09:37
What a lovely way to remember your sweet cat. I'd love to see a picture once it's done.

I want to get a tattoo on my foot as a memorial to my brother. I want a small picture of a bicycle as he loved cycling and it will remind me of seeking happiness like he found on his bike.

I can't offer you any advice as I don't have one yet, but I wish you luck and really would love to see the results!

19-04-14, 10:44
Kind of like scratching on the skin x

19-04-14, 14:49
I was ok with mine. I have mine on the outside of my left hand.
yes like a kind of scratching. I expected it to be worse.x

19-04-14, 15:26
Here is a link to what I am getting. https://twitter.com/GingerFish25/status/457502345170280448 Any idea how long this would take to do roughly?

19-04-14, 17:30
That would be very quick, probably about 2 or 3 minutes actual tattoing time, and would just be using the outline needle as has no colour filling.

One thing I would say, is avoid cheap tattoo artists ! Doing decent solid consistent lines is where most of them fail, so get someone good to do it and it should come out really well.

19-04-14, 17:32
So you will be fine ! It will be over before you know it. Longest session I have had is around 4 hours, and the skin was starting to get a bit sore, but that was because there was a lot of fading colours into each other and going over the same areas with highlights etc...

19-04-14, 17:35
I used to work in a tattoo shop in London (up until last year when illness forced my hand to leave) and I'd guess it at taking maybe 10-15 minutes if you go to someone experienced and its just lines. (and thats accounting for going over lines to thicken them if they need it as well.) Though everyone works at a different rate so thats a guess.

As for pain as well, I'll say that of all the people I've seen tattooed, women tend to take it better than men so you're off to a head start either way! XD

The tattoo idea is cute too btw, I keep toying with the idea of getting something for my old dog but can never settle on a design! :(

Tips to make it hurt less and heal better:
Make sure you've eaten well that day, don't drink too much caffeine or take anything that will thin your blood, don't smoke that day if you do (beforehand) and don't go out drinking the night before. All of that should help time to get it done be minimised as the less you bleed the quicker it will be and the less it will have to be gone over to get the right line thickness/consistency. :)

20-04-14, 18:11
Thanks everyone for the advice/tips and the wishing of good luck! :)

Only 3 days to go til I get my tattoo. So excited! My appointment is at 6pm so I at least will get a nice long lie before it lol.

23-04-14, 11:25
Today is the day! Not gonna lie, pretty nervous now!

23-04-14, 11:35
Good luck! :) I'm sure you'll be fine, don't forget to post pictures when you're finished ;)

01-05-14, 09:24
Wow read this post too late! How did you get on?

15-05-14, 16:02
Still not got it done yet :( the first appt I made I ended up having a stomach bug so the guy wouldn't touch me in that state and then the second appt I cancelled because my mum was away in England for a few days and I really wanted her to be with me because I don't seem to panic much around her.

30-07-14, 19:02
Hi guys!

I'm finally pretty much over PD/Agoraphobia now so I'm finally ready to get my tatt done!

I'm thinking of getting it done on my forearm now as it'll be easy to hide if I have to plus its got a bit more fat there than other places.

Any tips, advice or experiences would be great!

Like I said, I'm over PD now but I'm still a little worried of taking a full blown panic attack while on the chair! I don't know how high my pain tolerance is tbh. I moan and whinge when I have things like toothache or a headache but when I had cracked ribs and couldn't breath, I just took it.

Anyway, look forward to hearing from you!

30-07-14, 19:54
It shouldn't be too bad on your forearm. It'll be more annoying than anything else. I took my daughter for her first on her 21st birthday. She had a small one done on the inside of her wrist. It took 25 minutes and she was fine.

Have fun!

Positive thoughts

30-07-14, 20:55
I've had one one my foot (kind of regret this one), my lower back and my wrist, they all hurt but were bearable and I am a wimp!