View Full Version : Seem to be living in a total state of anxiety

19-04-14, 09:56
I've suffered from anxiety and panic attack on and off for years. I go through stages where I'll be fine for a while then it starts again. After a period of calm it's started again. A few weeks ago me and my partner had a stupid argument, which is all sorted now, but it seemed to trigger off my anxiety. I have been getting the shakes, bad headaches and stomach discomfort and a horrible itching sensation on my scalp, the itching has been really bad, Thursday at work I could feel an attack coming on due to this itching sensation. I'm becoming really tired of this :lac: am I going to spend the rest of my life in this semi anxious state? I find it s draining, I've nothing to be scared or anxious about but here it is again.... :weep: :weep: :weep:

19-04-14, 12:55
Hi Clairejayne,

Are you getting any treatment from a doctor?

19-04-14, 13:15

I have been on propranolol for about 6 -7 years. It's awful I can't remember exactly how long. I take 40mg 3 times aday. I reduced them down to 2 a day for about a year, but last year I had a massive panic attack at work and they called paramedic, I went to the doctors about 3 or 4 times in the weeks following as I was convinced there way something else wrong with me, but they just kept saying its anxiety, so I upped the tablets back to 3 a day.
I have just got back from shopping, I had to force my self to go, feeling funny and dizzy before I went. It's a pain... :weep::weep: I'm getting quite sick of it now.

Claire.. X

20-04-14, 02:05
Hi Claire,

There are other meds than propranolol that you can take long-term to deal with anxiety / panic. They all have their pluses and minuses, but they are worth a try if nothing else works. There is also talk therapy - the favoured method at the moment is CBT (cognitive -behavioural therapy), although any session where you can talk over your problem with someone can be beneficial. Good luck.

20-04-14, 16:28
Thanks Hanshan.
If things carry on I think a change of medication may be in order.
Take care.
Claire x