View Full Version : 10th day on Cit

19-04-14, 10:43
The night before i didnt sleep well at all, kept waking up anxious and confused. The whole day i was in panic mode, anxious and had to take meds for anxiety, that calm me down and i got some really good sleep last night! But when i woke up my chest and back was a little sore and i feel kinda weak, Is that normal?? I also have a cough and upper back tension.

19-04-14, 11:13

Keep strong, it is all normal,

The first 2-3 weeks will be a roller coaster, after that it will begin to level out. That is for both starting and increasing.

It works though, so stick with it.

19-04-14, 13:13
Hi Eve
I have been on Cit for 6 months now your body will get used to it and the side effects will ease off. So hang on in there things will get better :)

19-04-14, 13:29
Ok =) thanks you guys, just with HA :bighug1:i worry about everything!! i will keep holding on

19-04-14, 21:23
These and other effects u can have even longer, i hope all this is worth it for all if us.

20-04-14, 00:53
I had a horrible time with side effects initially. I believe it was a good 3 weeks at least before I started to feel "better"... The first 2 weeks I had increased anxiety, a lot of sleepless nights, pretty much all side effects mentioned in related to citalopram.

I've been on Citalopram since the middle of December and I feel incredible now. I am absolutely glad I toughed it out with the side effects. I did have my doctor give me klonopin to help with sleeping. and it worked perfectly. I now only take klonopin if needed which, if I have to at all, is only around my period. Can't honestly remember the last time I needed it.

20-04-14, 01:18
Im so glad your better now!!!! Gives me hope =) these side effects can be a b#%# lol at least we get a prize at the end of the race!!