View Full Version : PTSD & Bipolar - the perfect storm

19-04-14, 14:30
I was diagnosed PTSD in 2005 after an explosion where close friends were burnt crisp. I felt guilt and suicidal. Eventually I got 1 year of weekly person-centred treatment (so you can see that it was top of the scale) to deal mainly with survivors guilt.

In 2008 I was also diagnosed with bipolar disorder. I spent time in sheltered accommodation because my marriage failed. In a way I was lucky, only because of the diagnosis was a 'vulnerable adult'. After 2.5 years I was given my own place and within 4 months attempted suicide.

Sometimes I am OK but I have been in trouble with the police more than once and looking back, I know it was the FEAR that made me act.

I am always hypervigilant and loud noises, have me literally diving to the floor and now I'm suffering a mixed episode with the bipolar.

I'm prescribed 20mg clobazam BID (for myoclonic epilepsy), 25mg amitriptyline for neuropathic pain (I am physicallly disabled and shuffle with a frame) and 100mg of quetiapine. The dose isn't high enough to stop the anxiety or the depression.

I just want to know if anyone else has similar co-morbidity and will higher doses help?

I might add that I bought something legal off the internet that is just like valium and before I got the quetiapine I was taking what equates to 100mg of diazepam. With the quetiapine I am still taking 3 per day and they say benzo withdrawal is 100x worse then opiod withdrawal (and I've been through that on GP prescribed fentanyl patches) but I want to be mildly 'sick' i.e. anxiety relived by minimal amount to find how low I can go & how quick. Again, the quetiapine helps.

My wife hates the quetiapine as I slur & forget what I am saying... so another stress.

Still - I always tell myself that from what I've been through, there are likely billions of people who would swap places.

Thanks for your time.

PS the hypomania of bipolar is better than ANY drug so occasionally I feel wonderful. I just haven't had it for a year...