View Full Version : Brain Tumor worries

19-04-14, 20:57
I've had this fear of a brain tumor for a couple weeks that i just cant shake. i will sleep for 7-9hrs and around 2pm start to feel tired again i also have horrible short term memory, troubles spelling certain things especially long/unusual names or words. slurry words when i talk ( i will be honest i only notice the slurring if i pay attention before i start talking) today i got a ringing in my right ear which you could imagine, scared the crap out of me. but now i'm hearing it only when everything is quiet and i have had a constant very mild headache. i've been trying my best to control the anxiety but i will admit i do have somewhat mild panic attacks almost everyday for about 1hr but i'm learning to deal with it and not letting it control me. i'm also not eating as much as i used which could account for the tired feeling? it scares to think that these days i cant even stay up past 10pm even if i do nothing whole day and i'm only 19...i'm trying to convince myself its just anxiety but part of you still wonders "what if". i got really worried about this when i shown a light in my eyes and saw my pupils "bouncing", i read that they are supposed to go and stay small and the "bouncing" was a sign that something is wrong, i made a post about it on another forum but was told it is perfectly normal for people of my age as their eyes do the same thing part of me still doubts it though with everything thats going on. So are these normal anxiety symptoms or something more serious?

almost forgot, i had a Complete blood count & a comprehensive metabolic panel about two months ago, 1 or both (cant remember) checks for cancer/tumors as well and everything came back normal except for iron deficiency anemia ( which i am talking supplements for)