View Full Version : this is kind of funny....

Worried 24/7
20-04-14, 03:33
I was just laying down with my head on my arm and I started hearing this clicking sound in my ear. Then I start thinking, what the heck is that???? Then I start listening harder and I keep hearing it. So then I think, is there a bug crawling in my ear???? Then I realized....it was my watch ticking in my ear.....Guess that's one symptom that probably isn't gonna kill me.

20-04-14, 03:55
LOL!! You are too funny! :roflmao:

20-04-14, 04:36
Ha! I know how that goes..

I have had similar experiences, sort of. I once ate red velvet macarons. However the hell you spell that. Afterward I brushed my teeth. When I spat out red I thought I was spitting blood.

Ha makes you paranoid as anything, doesn't it?

20-04-14, 08:16
This should be the 'alternative' HA thread. A bit of light relief.

Made me laugh anyway!

Catherine S
20-04-14, 16:06
Me too...we gotta laugh at ourselves sometimes :D

20-04-14, 21:49
Very good..... This made me chuckle.

20-04-14, 22:02
Does that not tell us something, how strong is the mind over reality, it did make me laugh, good Job you realised you had a watch on or you could have thought you had a bomb in your ear or death watch beetle.
Take care to take your watch off in the future

Catherine S
20-04-14, 22:21
Alexandria...kill the joke why don't you! Lighten up girl and chill okay? Okay.

20-04-14, 22:26
Didn't realise I had killed the joke?

Catherine S
20-04-14, 22:37
Haha, yes a bit....warning her about not doing the same thing again kind of deflates the humour of it really.

21-04-14, 00:53
Omg goodness that is funny. Once when I was afraid of becoming schitzophrenic I was laying in bed and I started to hear whispering in my ear. I started panicking and I realized my clock radio was on very low. Hahaha

Catherine S
21-04-14, 01:05
RoseEve..so funny and I think most of us here have similar stories to tell, maybe we're just too afraid to laugh at ourselves? But we must because its part of recovery yes?

21-04-14, 05:03
Yes, I agree. It's distressing but as you get a bit better you can start to appreciate that such situations are funny. Who hasn't got funny or bizarre stories about themselves, whether they are anxiety sufferers or not and if you can't see the funny side, you take yourself too seriously.

Has anyone got one of those vibrating things for waking you up, like a strap? (no smut please ladies :blush::D) I've always wondered whether they make you wake up started not knowing what it is for a few moments. Always reminds me of that episode of the IT Crowd where Moss powers up the vibrate facility on Roy's phone and it rings in the church at the funeral and at first he's shouting for an ambulance until he realises someones ringing him!!!

21-04-14, 08:41
Haha id probably be the same!!

Worried 24/7
22-04-14, 02:41
Don't worry, I always lock my watch in the freezer before bed now....just to be safe ;)

---------- Post added at 06:41 ---------- Previous post was at 06:39 ----------

I think the fact that I can laugh at how crazy I can be is good....I need to be able to have that little bit of humor at my own expense to keep such a distressing problem at bay