View Full Version : its my birthday and i really didnt want this today anyone experiencd this please???

20-04-14, 08:20
Hi before I had even sat up in bed I had a sudden head rush felt dizzy and off balance,turned one way it was like I was on a boat turned the other the same thing happened I then panicked felt shaky trembly sick to stomach asked myself what's happening to me head felt full odd fuzzy got up to go toilet was not too bad then stood dud the finger on nose and standing on one leg test was fine now I've got a headache:-( anyone please help make sense if what out of the blue happened and sent me into panic......

20-04-14, 10:09
If you're like me ANY unusual body symptom sends me into a panic! Then the adrenaline kicks in and all the other sensations come too. We all know that panic causes all sorts of bodily sensations which make us panic even more. Then we concentrate on them( in my case obsess) and, of course, they magnify 1000%. It was probably just 'one of those things' and sent you into automatic panic mode. Try the usual breathing exercises to calm you down then go and enjoy your birthday! Happy Birthday! X

20-04-14, 10:48
Jilly your so right it happened at 7ish and I'm still obsessing darent get in shower just in case ! Feeling a bit wobbly but I'm just like you what if and wonder why!!

20-04-14, 10:59
Hope you have a nice birthday, pity it started badly, hope you feel better.

Scorpio girl
20-04-14, 11:38
Please don't panic. This is classic symptom of Benign Positional Vertigo. This happens usually in bed when your head changes position. Completely harmless and very common. Go and enjoy your birthday

20-04-14, 13:45
Hi Julia, happy birthday. I have a lot of this due to my ear problems. Your ears ok? As I know they relate vertigo symptoms to ears like mine but my mum gets it on/off (no ear probs) just by moving her head and it soon passes :)

20-04-14, 13:51
then stood dud the finger on nose and standing on one leg test was fine

Happy Birthday! Why would you do a field sobriety test in your bathroom? ;)

Positive thoughts