View Full Version : Convinced I have cancer

20-04-14, 15:29
My doctor hesitates to give me scans for cancer because I have a history of health anxiety.

I'm convinced I have cancer. I mentioned I was beginning to have pains just below and behind my lowest right rib. I'm worried it is liver/kidney/pancreatic cancer. The pain is a dull straining feeling, which can spike like a knife occasionally, or if I bend forwards or breathe deeply. If I rub around the area or on the rib, it relieves it. Eating also gives me instant relief- almost completely. I came to cope with the pain there alone and not knowing what caused it, but recently I have started having pains all over my ribs- the most on my collar bone- if I bend backwards, it hurts a lot, but without doing so I don't really notice it. My back and sides hurt. I've had the extra pain for a few weeks now, but I hadn't mentioned it to my GP on my last visit because at the time I thought it was a good sign that my pain was moving around, as if I was imagining it. However, the pain usually sticks to 3 or 4 points.

I've had a blood test and my doctor has felt around the rib where the pain originated from. I asked her directly whether she was sure I didn't have pancreatic cancer, she said 'I'm 99 percent sure- no, 100 percent sure you don't have pancreatic cancer.' However, when I asked her on my next visit whether that percentage she cited was in the context of my health anxiety past, she said yes, and changed the subject.

2 weeks ago I told her about a lump behind my ear. It's almost flat, gelatinous, and moves when I inspect with my finger. She checked it and told me to come back in 2 weeks, but told me that's not usually what they look for if it is a tumor. She suspects it is a swollen lymph node. I have another lump to the on the back of my skull which I forgot to mention- it is similar, and slightly malleable when I push down on it, but harder and more raised than the lump behind my ear. Both lumps ache afterwards if inspect them, but usually they don't hurt (the lump on the back of my skull occasionally hurts when I lie back on it.)

Whenever I try to calm myself, my myriad of other symptoms always finds a way to weasel in- I have trouble not leaking after I urinate and my stools fluctuate between pale and normal. I've had loose stools since I was a teenager, but it's got a lot worse recently.

For diagnosis, my history of health anxieties doesn't help, I'm scared this is like a boy who cried wolf, that I'm actually seriously ill, have months to live, and everyone around me is convinced I can't possibly have anything. I'm 23. I don't mind dying eventually, but just I don't want to die yet. I'm terrified.

I see my GP through the NHS, which is without cost. I had a bad panic attack just over 2 weeks ago and I decided at the time to pay for a mri scan privately. I didn't get around to arranging it. Between now and then I have been trying to distract myself with my job and believe everything is anxiety symptoms, everyone around me is telling me it's in my mind, but the pain I have all over my rib cage now is making me want to go ahead and pay for the scan. I looked online the other day and found out the scans here are much less costly than I had imagined. I feel like an idiot for delaying this long. I wish I go back several months and tell myself to get the scan then.

I can't sleep well, I've lost my appetite, I just sit and stare into space wishing I had taken action sooner. I can't do anything at the moment because it's the Easter weekend. I'm waiting minute by minute to call for a private mri scan, and whatever it takes to confirm I don't have cancer.

20-04-14, 16:27
Hi I've had similar problems& still do, it sounds like your gallbladder maybe you have gallstones, does the pain feel worse after a high fat meal? I've got lots of pain at the moment from pelvis to under ribs, get a bad pulling feeling in side , nothing worse then worrying u've got the big C ��x

20-04-14, 16:37
I am also 23 and convinced I am dying. My symptoms are different, but extensive and varied and very very scary. Its been going on for 4 weeks now, been to the Dr and all tests are fine.
All I can say is you're not alone with this feeling/fear. As soon as I think I'm feeling better something else happens. In the past 4 weeks iv thought iv had cervical, lung, breast, ovarian and pancreatic cancer. Now I think I might have a brain tumour or something. It sounds silly when I see it written down, but I still can't convince myself that its just anxiety :(

20-04-14, 18:56
Hi, I'm a 22 year old male, and I'm also convinced I have cancer... Having loads of symptoms and I've been urgently referred to a head and neck specialist by my GP as he suspects I have lymphoma.. the appointment is on tuesday..I'm actually feeling optimistic about the whole thing and I'm thinking if I do have it, my next step would be to beat it... I can understand how worried you are but I would say if multiple doctors have examined you then I think you have nothing to worry about

20-04-14, 21:06
Why does your gp think you got lymphoma

20-04-14, 21:56
One swollen gland in my neck that won't go down, he felt it.. booked an urgent referral to a head and neck specialist, that's all I know.

20-04-14, 22:02
Jordan from reading your other post it doesn't sound like your GP thinks you have lymphoma, it sounds like he has seen you several times and now feels that the next step is to get it checked out. It could be a possibility but that's not the same as him suspecting that you have it. My GP has referred me for an urgent ultrasound on a swelling in my fa e but he specifically told me he doesn't think it's likely to be cancer, he just needs to rule it out, so urgent referrals can also be for your own peace of mind (obviously I'm completely in meltdown about it but anyway!!)

20-04-14, 22:04
I have the rib symptoms too. It's on my right side last rib and goes round to my back. I'm convinced something is really wrong too. It hurts to lay on it aswell.

20-04-14, 22:14
I don't have a specific GP, when I go to the doctors its always someone different, this is the first time he has seen it and felt it... He said to me it could be lymphoma , it could be nothing.. I've never even mentioned lymphoma to him or any other doctor so its abit random he would say that then make an urgent referral

20-04-14, 22:18
Well, fingers crossed he was just being extra vigilant! I had a Dr say that to me once when I went in with night sweats and it scared me to death, but it turned out to be ok. I also know someone who recently had a biopsy on a lymph node that had all the characteristics of a lymphoma node and it was totally fine so try not to assume the worst (easy for me to say as that's just what I do!)

20-04-14, 22:25
It terrified me when he come out with it, but after reading up on it, I found its one of the most curable of cancers, which keeps me optimistic. but yeah hopefully he was just being extra cautious.. I just wished he hadn't of said it to me, knowing I've been to the doctors loads worrying about other things... Perhaps he didn't like me haha. Il post on my thread once I know more. Hope all goes well with your ultrasound.

19-05-14, 07:37
Any news