View Full Version : sixth day without citalopram

20-04-14, 20:18
I am now on my sixth day without Citalopram. I tappered from 20 mg to nothing over a six week period. I went down 5mg every two weeks. I had no real bad side effects until I stopped the med altogether. Now I feel sick, have had bad headaches, nausea, and panic attacks. I know these are all withdrawl symptoms and I am trying to stick it out longer before bumping back up to 5mg. I am also on my period so I think that is making me feel even worse. I also seem to feel worse at night then during the day. Please respond with any encouraging thoughts or your own story of withdrawl from Citalopram. How long did withdrawl symptoms last for you?

22-04-14, 09:00
At least two weeks or more.

23-04-14, 07:16
on my 6th week coming off from a taper, first 2-3 weeks where the worst now I only have a hard time focusing and concentrating hopefully I can recover from that