View Full Version : infection help ?

20-04-14, 21:35
hi so as I did in my previous post ive had swollen glands for 4 days now had a tooth out 2 weeks ago it dident heal propyl had to go back still feel weird like a little bubble in it now

anyway my glands are out im feel very very nauseous for no reason im now panicky ive got palps im worried not sure what to do

20-04-14, 21:41
You need to try and relax ,when I had my tooth out I also had a lump its still there now I dont worry about ,and mybe your glands are up because you could be abit run down im sure you will be fine hun if your worried pop back and see your dentist xx

20-04-14, 21:46
Hi sorry you are feeling a bit poorly, I would call either your doctors or dentist to get advice, there number should give you an out of hours number to ring, I'm sure that you are fine but maybe you have an infection in your gum or It is that the cavity has not yet healed completely, hope you feel better soon.

20-04-14, 21:50
yes will ring them tomorrow I hate feeling this way to be honest