View Full Version : Heart anxiety. Ugh.

21-04-14, 04:30
Hi, I'm new here, but I really need to get all this frustration off my shoulders. Sigh.

It all started about two and a half months ago, my boyfriend and I binged on some pretty unhealthy food...absolutely delicious, but downright unhealthy (LOL). As we're eating all this food, I feel a pain in my right arm (if I remember correctly). Now, I've had a fear of heart attacks since I was a kid, seeing someone die of one in a movie was pretty traumatic. So that fear has kinda always been in the back of my mind all these years (I'm 21 now). So here I am, indulging and yet feeling this meaningless pain, kinda freaking out. Fast forward a few hours later, I go to bed. A few hours in and I wake up with a racing heart, thinking I'm really going to die and it's finally happened. I didn't fall back asleep until four hours of that anxiety passed. This had never happened to me before until then, so of course it scared me to bits.

The next day, I'm just a wreck. I had no idea what was going on but I couldn't calm down, my heart was racing, and I was so scared to even move in case I would pass out. This went on for about six days, I couldn't find an appetite, I couldn't sleep more than a few hours, it was terrible. My family was getting annoyed with me and was OF COURSE telling me the helpful thing they could: "If you don't calm down, you're gonna give yourself a heart attack/end up in the hospital." So at that point, my fear of having one which was fueling the panic, was being fueled even more by them telling me that I WOULD have one. I finally went to the doctor a week into this because I knew I needed something to help even me out. I was prescribed Buspirone and since then it's helped keep me calm, a lot calmer than I was that first week.

About a week or so ago I went back because of my newly diagnosed asthma (oh yay), and my doc, in attempt to help ease my fears of a heart attack, ran an EKG on me and of course, told me that my "heart is beautiful." While I know that I'm young, reasonably fit since I love jogging and lifting, and I've never had heart problems before, I just feel like if I don't calm down (which is nearly impossible for someone with a panic disorder), that I will, just like my family told me, induce one of my worst fears upon myself and die. I feel super hopeless about the future and I just want to not worry or think about this anymore.

I will say that I'm going to a therapist on Thursday and will hopefully be helped by CBT & I've also read Claire Weekes' "Hope and Help for Your Nerves" book too, which has helped.

Any kind feedback would be much appreciated! x

21-04-14, 15:45
1. My heart feels funny, so docs will EKG you.
EKG's are fantastic tools. Seriously. A doctor worth anything can easily determine a healthy heart. Pretty much any disease of the heart can be determined by an EKG just by looking at it. It does a fantastic job of painting a picture of how your heart operates. I can't say this is 100% ruling out, but it's close.

2. Anxiety affects your heart and breathing and other things (lots of things).
Anxiety triggers adrenaline, over analyzing of all your senses including balance and surroundings (not just the "5" senses we have a lot, and it heightens all which will help avoid what might kill you). The problem is it's an idea that this is all triggered by.

3. Worrying is the cause. HA sufferers will pick something or a symptom and keep hopping to it.
Your brain makes it real. New symptoms pop up to correspond with what you're worried about. Yup even something as specific as left arm pain can crop up. As bad as my heart worries have gotten I have never felt a crushing pain in my heart. Although even that symptom can be caused by things like angina. You might also mistake heartburn and pain in the muscles of the chest (also easily affected by stress/anxiety).

Lastly anxiety will not cause a heart attack in a healthy heart. I'm pretty certain of this. It can get a lot worse, but it doesn't kill you, it just ends up making you suffer.

21-04-14, 17:26
:welcome:to NMP Yossino is spot on....... the more you worry about this the worse it will get..... whilst waiting for CBT look at "Mindfulness".. it's a simple technique which will calm you down.


22-04-14, 12:22
I used to get heart flutters and palos and noticed they disappeared when my worrying stopped. Anxiety and stress really do create physical symptoms in the body.

23-04-14, 01:16
1. My heart feels funny, so docs will EKG you.
EKG's are fantastic tools. Seriously. A doctor worth anything can easily determine a healthy heart. Pretty much any disease of the heart can be determined by an EKG just by looking at it. It does a fantastic job of painting a picture of how your heart operates. I can't say this is 100% ruling out, but it's close.

2. Anxiety affects your heart and breathing and other things (lots of things).
Anxiety triggers adrenaline, over analyzing of all your senses including balance and surroundings (not just the "5" senses we have a lot, and it heightens all which will help avoid what might kill you). The problem is it's an idea that this is all triggered by.

3. Worrying is the cause. HA sufferers will pick something or a symptom and keep hopping to it.
Your brain makes it real. New symptoms pop up to correspond with what you're worried about. Yup even something as specific as left arm pain can crop up. As bad as my heart worries have gotten I have never felt a crushing pain in my heart. Although even that symptom can be caused by things like angina. You might also mistake heartburn and pain in the muscles of the chest (also easily affected by stress/anxiety).

Lastly anxiety will not cause a heart attack in a healthy heart. I'm pretty certain of this. It can get a lot worse, but it doesn't kill you, it just ends up making you suffer.

Thank you for your reply! I know for sure I don't have much to worry about because I never felt like this before my anxiety got real bad but the thought still gets to me anyway. Oh well. I've been working on just reminding myself of the facts and I seem to be doing better by just focusing on them.

By the way, I also have costochondritis, which when it flares up will usually give me a good fright. Just something I need to start getting used to! Great fun...

Thanks again!

---------- Post added at 17:16 ---------- Previous post was at 17:12 ----------

:welcome:to NMP Yossino is spot on....... the more you worry about this the worse it will get..... whilst waiting for CBT look at "Mindfulness".. it's a simple technique which will calm you down.


Hey, thank you! :D

Yeah, I've been trying to focus on the facts and positives about my health instead of continuously scaring myself with imaginary things like this. I will start looking into mindfulness though, thanks for the tip. :)