View Full Version : Hello there... :) Need help...

21-04-14, 08:51
Hi, I have been scrolling this forum for quite some time now, and I've decided that now it's time I sign up and maybe try to come to terms with my illness and receive support. :)

I'm a 21 Male, in Canada. I'm returning to adult school due to my hearing loss in both ears, which eventually led to surgery for both ears. Slowly it's been getting better as I've been getting the care I finally need... :)

I have a case of GAD, and I'm sure that my anxiety is also mostly health related, so I'd say you'd probably see me posting in the health anxiety part of the forum quite a bit. Right now I'm struggling as I just am having issues with anxiety, or so I believe that's what it is.

I don't want to bore you all too much, so I'll put this quick to see if anyone can relate, maybe offer some tips to cope, or to try to help put my mind at ease. I know I'm the only one that can do so myself, but I also think that friends and encouraging words tend to help one faster. :P

I've been having symptoms about 2 and a half weeks ago, when I noticed I had some pretty bad right sided head pain after a night of drinking. It was pretty horrible, and I couldn't remember what brought it on. Generally I don't take medication, as I'm scared it will change the way that I see things. So I waited it out. The next day following, I had left sided pain in my arm, that was like a weak, burning pain that felt like a Nurse had stuck a vaccination needle in my arm, and my left sided chest felt the same feeling, almost like a radiating feeling. This caused me to panic, and I told my boyfriend that I needed to go to the hospital. He got a little mad, but agreed as well. We went at 9 in the morning, and they had put it off as stress and anxiety. A few days down the road, the symptoms were still there, but also followed by "cold" trickles in my legs? When walking, and pain in my upper back, middle. So I went again... This time they took a urine test, an EKG, a blood test, and a chest x-ray. All tests came back normal and healthy, which led me to be baffled. My head pain was still consistent at this time, and I also explained that, but it was seen as another sign of anxiety. I swore to myself I would only go now if I truly needed it, as my family was getting fed-up, and scared. My Mum also suffers with panic attacks, and she told me to just be calm. So I did my best. However, two days later I had a horrible headache, that made lights hard to look at, and a general feeling of panic and stress. I went back, to the hospital, for the third time! (My worst, I usually don't go to the hospital as I find it time-consuming and worrying) They then asked what was wrong, and I told them. They said it was migraines, and put benadryl and some maxa something in my arm, which gave me a funny body feeling, which sent me into panic mode. I decided I definitely would not go now, unless I totally had to, as I'm pretty scared of medication... So now here I am, about two weeks later, with the same right sided head pain. My arm pain has been coming and going, and I'll get spikes of head pain that differ in intesity, and sometimes my right arm will feel stiffness and pain too. My neck was getting sore, and I've been losing appetite a bit... I've been trying to get back into running to feel better, but it's slow working haha... I guess I really just need someone who will understand and be a friend... Thanks for reading this, and have a great day. :)

---------- Post added at 02:51 ---------- Previous post was at 02:36 ----------

Oh, I don't smoke cigarettes or weed anymore, as weed actually caused me to have my first panic attack haha... I drink maybe every second weekend, and with some days in between. I have quit drinking cold turkey after my last incident. I really just want the head pains and the arm/chest pains to stop, as it's definitely affecting how much fun I'm having in life, and my overall mental well-being. Sometimes I think I'm going crazy!!

21-04-14, 17:36
Hello, sounds like you've been through a lot! Anxiety has really funny ways of showing itself. I experienced a handful of symptoms all that made me think I was dying of a brain tumour, or I was in the early stages of MS. I am being treated for my anxiety now and ever since I took my first tablet....all my silly symptoms stopped.

Hope you find lots of help and advice on this forum. It's helped me loads :) x

21-04-14, 19:06
Hi there! With just one experience with it, I can confirm that the maxeran they gave you can indeed cause anxiety. I just got treated for my first ever non-flu related migraine last week, and almost had a panic attack too, and I've never had a panic attack in my life! UGH! It felt as though I was coming out of my skin!! Twitching, uncontrollably shifting around in my chair, bad waves of knots-in-the-stomach; I considered calling the nurse but had no bell within reach and they were really busy in the ER. So, I reasoned with myself as to why this might be happening, and remembered that the knots-in-stomach feeling was a side effect for me at startup with my antidepressant. Even with the pain in my head and the nausea, I knew I hadn't felt those symptoms when I got there, so it had to be the drug they were giving me. I knew I would just have to ride it out to get the relief I needed from the migraine, and so that's what I did. I agree, that anxiety makes a person not want to be treated again for migraine. However, if I get another migraine that bad, I will go back and grin and bear it, as that kind of pain is worse! Please tell the doctor about the bad anxiety you had from the migraine treatment (maxeran and/or whatever other drugs they may have included in a "cocktail", it will be in the records.) You shouldn't have to suffer in pain because you are frightened to get help. I'm sure there is a way around it. I know I'll be asking if I end up going back to emerg with migraine! By the way, these past two days I have been heading it off at the pass with gravol for the nausea, eating something, then taking acetaminophen and coffee. ...
Big congratulations on giving up the alcohol and marijuana. They do precipitate panic and depression, and would interfere with any treatment. Good luck!

21-04-14, 22:27
Thank you both for your replies. :) I hope everything is all right with me, I just feel like I'm slowly dying or I have some illness. I know this is a symptom of anxiety, but jeez. I don't get why I get reoccuring pains when I'm not even thinking about it. It just causes more panic for me haha...

21-04-14, 23:02
Just realizing now that you had your first really bad head pain after a night of drinking. We know that alcohol can cause bad dehydration, right? Maybe a lot of the symptoms since then have been due to dehydration too? They warned me at the hospital to not get too dehydrated again or the migraines would likely come back. Are you drinking enough water? Treat yourself to a big re-usable cup or mug and keep it refilled! :D
And as Rachy says, there are good treatments out there, just remind your doc that you are (obviously) very sensitive to drugs and be aware that often it seems worse at first when taking a medication for anxiety/depression. Give it time to work!