View Full Version : SJW, Kalms or Citalopram

21-04-14, 09:11
In the most for the past few years I managed to get on top of my anxiety/minor depression mostly with the help of citalopram. I used to stop the meds and then take them for a few months when things started to get worse again.

I had been pill free for 8 months (the longest period in 15 years) and I feel things are starting to slip again. I noticing the early symptoms, before I go down the usual citalopram route which I know works for me, I was thinking of trying something else.

Has anyone had any success with natural meds.
Started a job training programme 10 months ago which has helped and kept me busy, but being off for the Easter holidays has set me off again. I only have the early symptoms for me, slightly irritable, slightly dizzy and feeling a little low.

Any advice would be great thanks

21-04-14, 09:25
If you are recognising the symptoms the perhaps "Mindfulness", CBT and SJW would help... you could try it and see and if that does not work go back to Citalopram. BUT if you use SJW you cannot take SSRI until SJW is out of you system. I think One week but your GP would know the correct length of time.


21-04-14, 12:40
I tried st johns wort when I was in the first stages of my anxiety. I'm not sure if they did anything. Kalms are useless- well were for me. I ended up stopping st johns wort as was convinced the tingling in my feet and hands was from st johns wort...however now I reckon it was just anxiety. Perhaps trying st johns and CBT would be good combo? If not then go back on citalopram. I personally think kalms are placebos and possibly st johns too an extent..however...even if it is and it helps then that doesn't really matter along as its helping :)

21-04-14, 14:57
I'm actually trying Omega-3. I read a self help book and the psychiatrist said that a lot of research into Omega-3 helping relieve symptoms of depression are quite outstanding. It's worth a shot, if it won't help the depression it'll certainly help towards my physical health.

21-04-14, 16:52
Thanks for your replies.

Will try the omega 3, My husband had come kalms left over from late last year, so I will try them till they run out then see what happens.

Thanks again x

21-04-14, 18:57
I use Kalms but they do not have a longterm affect like medication, but it's a relief for the time being. Be careful because they contain valerium which can make you drowsy. They say to take two doses three times a day and I had to take one dose twice a day because I got too tired. I hope it helps you.

21-04-14, 23:25
Probiotics are something else you try.