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View Full Version : 1st Day Of Venlafaxine

21-04-14, 09:26
I was recently prescribed Venlafaxine from my mental health doctor. Ive had to wean myself off my citalopram and took my first Ven 37.5mg this morning. Can anyone give me any insight on what to expect over the next couple of days, I cant read the side effects on the meds cuz I will just panic and end up with everything on there.
I feel a little shaky and nauseus (sp) at the moment


21-04-14, 18:46
Hi, Kelley! Yes, nausea and feeling kind of shaky are NORMAL start up side effects. You need to take your dose with a substantial amount of food, I have found. And to eat lightly and often throughout the day. You really must take your dose at the same time each day, in order to avoid discontinuation effects, and if you should decide to stop taking ven, your doctor can help with a slow schedule of tapering off for that. But since your doctor has chosen it for you, do give it a good college try!

Really, the nausea only lasts for about the first 3 or 4 days. You will likely feel quite different during the startup phase, but these feelings will go away once the ven has had a chance to settle in. Up to 6-8 weeks, but most of the bothersome effects will clear right up at around 4 weeks and earlier. I got "brain fog", a sort of visual snow (like on tv) and lightheadedness/feeling of disconnect. Don't worry, this is normal and it does go away. I experienced a feeling of knots in my stomach right through until early evening most days, and a sort of pent-up physical tension in my limbs, coupled with a sensation of weakness. Remember the medication is changing your serotonin levels, you will naturally notice these changes in your brain and body. (The gut contains 80 percent or more of your serotonin receptors.) Some people feel more anxious during this time, as well (if anxiety is a problem for you, it may feel worse for a bit before it gets better). Long, slow deep breaths help, whenever you notice this muscle tension. Breath in slowly through your nose for a count of at least 4, out for a count of 6 or so. Finally, there will undoubtably be constipation. Pick up a laxative you don't mind using. Someone recommended a senna laxative, so I picked up one at the pharmacy called Senokot. After that, good old dried prunes and prune juice in between will mean you don't have to take it all the time. Dry mouth. I had dry mouth so bad it felt like extreme thirst, and I swear I drank a gallon of water every day. Carry a bottle of water with you wherever you go, and keep hard sugar-free candy and gum handy!

S0 - nausea lasting first number of days: DO eat before taking med; fuzzy headedness/visual snow/feeling "out of it", muscle tension, knots in stomach: do remember this is normal, chill out with tv or a movie. Don't worry that you feel odd, it will pass. Constipation: pick up a gentle laxative and try prunes to keep things moving on days that it's not too bad. Dry mouth: drink lots of water, take plenty along wherever you go, plus sugar-free hard candies or gum. Make a definite point of taking your venlaxafine on time, with a meal. That's about it, really not that bad for side effects as meds go, and happily, they don't last long!

Be gentle on yourself, and take it easy. You deserve this chance to make your life better! Give it your best shot, and DO come online for support :hugs: Marie xx ps There is a great thread on here started by Pinkdove. She came off Citalopram onto ven too. You will see that if anxiety is your thing, you can expect to have the odd "blip" day too, but they become fewer and farther between!) I am currently about 6 weeks into treatment with ven (Effexor) and feeling a good-normal! :yahoo: I can recommend it!

22-04-14, 02:07
Oh thank you ever so much, i really appreciate the detailed post. Its everything i need to know i think. Iv not actually felt too bad today, after the nausea, shaky feeling earlier and then tonite i just cant seem to switch off to sleep even tho i felt extremely tired before.
I did take my Ven on an empty stomach this morning so I will definately try it after food for my next one.
I will be so glad once its in my system and the dosage is right for me.
Thanks again xx

22-04-14, 04:18
You're most welcome! And you may not even experience each of those things, Pinkdove and lots of others didn't ... It was a great help to me to have found out it was all perfectly normal though when I came on here. The time will pass quickly, and getting to the right dosage is much easier than start-up, everyone assures me. The trick then is to ask for small transitions and take your time :winks:
Marie :bighug1: Keep posting!

30-04-14, 18:43
Been on Venlafaxine now for just over a week, started on 37.5mg and doubled my dosage to 75mg on Monday (Doctors orders). Today Im feeling really anxious and keep getting the dread feeling in my stomach like I did just before I had an attack. Is this normal xx

30-04-14, 19:53
Hi, Kelley!
Yes, the dread feeling in your stomach IS normal for start-up, do not worry it will go away! It can be so annoying, I know, I know ... Someone on here talked about how something like 80 or 90% of our serotonin receptors are in our gut, so I got to thinking about how the SSRI effect of the ven might be experienced there. Physically. The way it works, is as a Serotonin Re-uptake Inhibitor. Which is to say it stops the serotonin receptor from taking up the serotonin in the system, thereby increasing the amount of serotonin available. I can easily see how this "shutdown" of the receptors can physically cause tension in the gut and elsewhere, which is what we associate with mental experiences of anxiety. I honestly have found it extremely reassuring to recognize this side effect for what it is. A temporary strong response at the level of the receptors to being inhibited from re-uptake of serotonin. This goes away as the drug rises and then becomes stable in the system. Someone else suggested practicing long, slow deep breaths (in to count of 4, hold for 1 or 2, release slowly to count of 6) to dispel the tenseness, and getting up and about/reducing this activating feeling by going for a quick walk if you can, especially outside, but even about the house doing things. I promise you it does go away, hopefully you can just take the time to practice the breathing and exercise meanwhile. Hang in there, Kelley! I am proof that it won't be long and you'll be glad of coming through it! Worth it! :yahoo:

30-04-14, 20:02
Thanks ever so much, Im controlling it at the moment with the deep breathing exercises and bach flower remedy lol. That's my go to when I feel like its starting. I didn't really feel like this on the 37.5mg, its only since I upped the dosage. I just hope it goes soon cuz although im managing with it I don't want to JUST manage if u understand what I mean xx

30-04-14, 20:51
I do understand, Kelley! If I had to put up with it longterm I wouldn't be able to do it, I don't think. I also hate, hate feeling doped up, which I have experienced on other drugs. I guess I'm pretty low-threshold when it comes to tolerating side effects, period, lol! So when it stayed limited to 3 or 4 problems which all went away relatively soon, AND left me clear-headed and feeling better, I was chuffed! :yesyes:

09-05-14, 20:24
Well Ive been doing really well since my last post, not really had any side effects other than a bit of insomnia here and there. But tonight Im feeling really bad to the point Ive just taken a little diazepam. It started after I had eaten a take away.
Getting really pissed off now just want to feel better :(

09-05-14, 20:43
Aw, hunni, it's just a blip, I'm sure! Someone on here said that MSG (not just in Chinese food) is a typical culprit for anxious feelings. Also, reflux can affect breathing which of course is a bit of a trigger ... Have a good sleep tonight and you'll be right as rain tomorrow! :)
ps Diazapam probably helps you rest, but isn't meant to be taken nightly for sleep. You'll want melatonin or something like that, hey? xx

09-05-14, 20:55
I only take the diazepam every now and again when I cant control my attacks, this is the first time ive had one in a good few weeks now. It was an indian takeaway we had tonite so maybe the MSG is in that too xx

19-08-15, 15:54
i got diagnosed with GAD 7 months ago and got supplied with Effoxor which i took every day going from one tablet 35 ml one week and doubled my dose the next week and so on ! My anxiety went within a day i thought it was a miracle never felt so confident. A
fter a while of taking it i started to go really hyper friends thought i was on crack and i couldn't eat and lost about 2-3 stone.
I looked in the mirror and said time to get of this !

The last few months i decided to taper down and stop !
This is now my third day without Venlafaxine and my zaps are getting worse I think I am going insane ! I have managed to get up and go to work and function but i feel flipping awful.
Yesterday the brain zaps where frighteningly strong sharp shooting pains in my freaking BRAIN down to my fingers and toes, im strong minded and i thought tomorrow i will feel better!
Today the zaps seem the same but this time the zaps kick in on every eye moment! what can i do to help it??
im never taking anything like this again and i would strongly advise people not to take this drug its EVIL ! i preferred the comedown of MDMA E's when i was in my youth!!!


How can the pharmaceutical Chemists legally supply pharmacies and patients with this HORRIBLE drug ???
worst days of my life, i would rather have my anxiety and depression back than take this horrendous stuff again....help me please

Poppy Girl
19-08-15, 22:56
Kelley I hope you start to settle on the Ven soon. It has literally given me my life back. I've been on it for just over a year now - increased my original dose and recently started reducing. I always take mine with food in the morning. I'm not a big breakfast eater but feel nauseous if I don't eat with them.
BrainZap I'm sorry that the Ven affected you so badly and that you're having trouble stopping it. However, for some people it is the right treatment - I was given citalopram, sertraline and fluoxetine before venlafaxine and I had horrendous side effects with the cit and fluox. One made me feel permanently doped up and the other made me almost suicidal. I would stop short of saying they should be banned though as I know people for whom they have worked well. Ven has helped me change from living in a permanent state of anxiety back to the happy person that I was prior to my GAD struck.
I guess what I'm trying to say to anyone reading this and wondering whether to start on Ven is that no one medication is suitable for everyone but Ven does work very well for some people so don't let one person's bad experience scare you.


22-08-15, 14:18
Kelley, like you I just started ven 75mg (prolonged release capsules) and am on day 3. I had a nightmarish first night but then it got better, what has helped me is making sure I stay hydrated and eat fresh food. I would definitely be careful with spicy/greasy food at this time. Take care and I hope you feel better soon! :hugs: