View Full Version : Worried, but trying to stay rational...

21-04-14, 14:36
Hi, I am worried about the pains I've been having, but I've been trying to stay calm... I've been to the doctors three times in the last week and a half ago, but it's only because I haven't been having these pains before as a GAD/Panic attack sufferer. I am a 21 Male, 185 pounds, 5'11..

The pains I started with was a sore, heavy, weak, burning left arm, that had pain that radiated to my chest area, but not my heart, although my heart did get worked up. Two days after that pain, another pain came on, a bad headache only on the right side of my head, that was like a constant pain, that ranged from being really painful and pressurizing, to being almost dull. I also had migraines for three days, and on the third day it was better. I also have "cold" trickles in my legs when I walk sometimes, but it occurs randomly. Just four days ago I had the same pain in my right arm, and it went away about two days ago. I also had pain on my right sided face, which also included pressure in my right side of nose and little tingles and twinges in my right sided face and roof of mouth. I find it hard to swallow, and sometimes there will just be a lump there. Pain that also follows in my upper back and neck area, sorta stiff at times. Most of these pains come and go. My left arm stopped for two days, and returned again. I've also had a decreased appetite, and just a feeling of sickness. Also been going to be unruly early, getting at least 10 hours of sleep..

I've never posted here before, or anywhere else but I'm afraid I'm losing control of my anxiety, or I'm actually suffering something and the doctors are just pushing it off as anxiety. The three times I went, the first time they diagnosed it as anxiety, and an a sore cartilage right by my left ribs. They told me to take ibuprofen, which I did although I don't usually take medication. The second time I went back, about three days after in an ambulance, they told me it was still anxiety, and lots of stress. They also did an EKG, a blood test, a urine test and a chest x-ray and all was normal. The third time I came back, it was because of massive pains in my head, sensitivity to light, along with my arm pains. They concluded that it was a migraine, and hooked me up to some medication with an IV. This caused me to have a panic attack since I don't like when I have a change in perception with my body...

So now I'm too scared to go and see if anything else is amiss, because of my last visit. I also know that three times is a lot of times to be visiting a doctor. I've been taking long baths, stretching in the morning, going on a light jog, and nothing seems to be helping. Wish there was someone there who understood, or could relate to me.

I don't smoke, I don't do drugs, however I've done both in the past... Maybe three years ago. I drink occasionally, and all these pains started happening after a pretty heavy night of drinking the night before. ( I was with my boyfriend and his parents, playing euchre and whatnot. ) And the only drugs I've done was weed...

Pretty scared, but trying to keep my symptoms under control. I'm sure it is anxiety, but I just like reassurance and support. I'm going to see a counselor this Thursday to maybe help me. Thanks to anyone that read this, and leaves a post as to what they think I should do, it might be, or any experiences that can be relatable. :)

21-04-14, 15:27
Hi there, how's the aches and pains today? What do you do for a job? Are you quite stressed? Or I uni (stressful! Especially this time of year)
Alcohol makes you more anxious, I'm hungover today and as you can see from the post you just replied to, I. Getting myself really worked up. It might make you feel great the night before but hangover days are naaaasty!
Your doctor thinks it's anxiety, which it's highly likely to be. My friend at work suffers migraines and she says the only thing which helps her is laying in a dark room for hours.
Go to your therapy session and see if it helps, if not. You should go back to your gp that's what they are there for ! X

21-04-14, 15:32
I woke up with my left arm and the chest pain radiating again. It was gone for two days, but not it's back oddly enough. I'm at the end of my semester for adult school, which is a bit stressful, but not as much as I'd like to believe. Oh, and the headache was yet still there.. :/

I agree that alcohol does make one more anxious haha :P However it was about two weeks ago since it happened, so I was a bit worried, I guess because it's not quite getting better, but rather pains have been switching around and causing a little bit of a damp outlook on life right now... :)

Definitely going to the therapy session, and just try to think positive for now. Thank you for your reply. :)

21-04-14, 15:37
I had a therapist aaages ago and she used to tell me that even if I think I'm fine, there's lots of little stresses and they build up and up and up without you even realising! So you're probably more stressed than you think if you get me.
Definitely work with the therapist they are excellent at making you look differently at things, but if the pains are still there get back to the doctors,f you could have a badly pulled muscle or something.

21-04-14, 22:17
I really hope it's nothing serious. Both my temples have been hurting today and my arm/chest pain keeps coming and going. Also getting a metal taste in my mouth, and a dizzy, confused, lightheaded feeling...

21-04-14, 22:42
I can relate to pretty much all those symptoms! Its hard for me to believe its just anxiety and stress, even though that's what I keep getting told. Other symptoms I have had include itching, gurgling tummy/weird digestion, needing to go for a wee a lot, and 'female problems' ... All of which can be caused by stress and anxiety.
You're definitely not alone!